
78 lines
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2022-01-27 16:31:58 +01:00
open Ast
module Env = Map.Make (String)
let collect_constant_strings code =
let counter = ref 0 in
let env = ref Env.empty in
let rec ccs_expr = function
| IR.Void -> IR2.Value (IR2.Nil), []
| IR.Bool b -> IR2.Value (IR2.Bool b), []
| IR.Int n -> IR2.Value (IR2.Int n), []
| IR.Char c -> IR2.Value (IR2.Char c), []
| IR.Float f -> IR2.Value (IR2.Float f), []
| IR.Str s ->
(match Env.find_opt s !env with
| Some l -> IR2.Value (IR2.Data l), []
| None ->
incr counter;
let l = "str" ^ string_of_int !counter in
env := Env.add s l !env;
IR2.Value (IR2.Data l), [ l, s ])
| IR.Var v -> IR2.Var v, []
| IR.Call (f, args) ->
let args2 = ccs_expr args in
let ccs = List.flatten ( (fun (_, s) -> s) args2) in
IR2.Call (f, (fun (e, _) -> e) args2), ccs
(* let ccs_lvalue = function *)
(* | IR.LVar v -> *)
(* IR2.LVar v, [] *)
(* | IR.LAddr a -> *)
(* let a2, ccs = ccs_expr a in *)
(* IR2.LAddr a2, ccs *)
(* in *)
let rec ccs_instr = function
| IR.Decl v -> IR2.Decl v, []
| IR.Return e ->
let e2, ccs = ccs_expr e in
IR2.Return e2, ccs
| IR.Expr e ->
let e2, ccs = ccs_expr e in
IR2.Expr e2, ccs
| IR.Assign (lv, e) ->
let lv2, ccs_lv = ccs_expr (IR.Var lv) in
let e2, ccs_e = ccs_expr e in
IR2.Assign (lv2, e2), List.flatten [ ccs_lv; ccs_e ]
| IR.Cond (t, y, n) ->
let t2, ccs_t = ccs_expr t in
let y2, ccs_y = ccs_block y in
let n2, ccs_n = ccs_block n in
IR2.Cond (t2, y2, n2), List.flatten [ ccs_t; ccs_y; ccs_n ]
| IR.Loop (e, b) ->
let e2, ccs_e = ccs_expr e in
let b2, ccs_b = ccs_block b in
IR2.Loop (e2, b2), List.flatten [ ccs_e; ccs_b ]
and ccs_block = function
| [] -> [], []
| i :: r ->
let i2, ccs_i = ccs_instr i in
let r2, ccs_r = ccs_block r in
i2 :: r2, List.flatten [ ccs_i; ccs_r ]
let ccs_def = function
| IR.Func (name, args, body) ->
let body2, ccs = ccs_block body in
IR2.Func (name, args, body2), ccs
let rec ccs_prog = function
| [] -> [], []
| d :: r ->
let d2, ccs_d = ccs_def d in
let r2, ccs_r = ccs_prog r in
d2 :: r2, List.flatten [ ccs_d; ccs_r ]
ccs_prog code
let simplify code = collect_constant_strings code