This commit is contained in:
fiplox 2022-01-27 16:31:58 +01:00
commit 0119a154bf
39 changed files with 1566 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@

.merlin Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
B _build

51 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
# MiniC
## Fonctionnalités
* Declaration des types de bases (int, char, float, bool)
* Declaration des fonctions
* Conditions if, else, else if
* Boucle while
* Fonctions natives :
* `_add`
* `_sub`
* `_mul`
* `_div`
* `_add`
* `_sub`
* `_mul`
* `_div`
* `_xor`
* `_or `
* `_and`
* `_seq`
* `_sne`
* `_sge`
* `_sgt`
* `_sle`
* `_slt`
* `_mod`
* `_neg`
* `_not`
* `puts`
* `puti`
* `geti`
## Tests
### Test game (not really)
$ ocamlbuild -use-menhir test.byte
$ ./test.byte tests/game.test > t.s
$ spim t.s
(spim) load "t.s"
(spim) run
### Autres tests (sans user input)
$ ./ newt
$ ./ puiss

209 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
type type_t =
| Int_t
| Float_t
| Char_t
| Str_t
| Void_t
| Bool_t
| Func_t of type_t * type_t list
| Point_t of type_t
(* | Array_t of int * type_t *)
let rec string_of_type_t t =
match t with
| Int_t -> "int"
| Float_t -> "float"
| Char_t -> "char"
| Str_t -> "string"
| Void_t -> "void"
| Bool_t -> "bool"
(* | Array_t (n, t) -> string_of_type_t t *)
| Point_t t -> string_of_type_t t
| Func_t (r, a) ->
(if List.length a > 1 then "(" else "")
^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_type_t a)
^ (if List.length a > 1 then ")" else "")
^ " -> "
^ string_of_type_t r
module Syntax = struct
type ident = string
type expr =
| Int of
{ value : int
; pos : Lexing.position
| Float of
{ value : float
; pos : Lexing.position
| Char of
{ value : string
; pos : Lexing.position
| Str of
{ value : string
; pos : Lexing.position
(* | Array of *)
(* { value : expr list *)
(* ; cap : int option *)
(* ; pos : Lexing.position *)
(* } *)
| Bool of
{ value : bool
; pos : Lexing.position
| Var of
{ name : ident
; pos : Lexing.position
| Call of
{ func : ident
; args : expr list
; pos : Lexing.position
type instr =
| Assign of
{ var : ident
; expr : expr
; pos : Lexing.position
| Decl of
{ var : ident
; typ : type_t
; pos : Lexing.position
| Expr of
{ expr : expr
; pos : Lexing.position
| Return of
{ expr : expr
; pos : Lexing.position
| Cond of
{ expr : expr
; blockt : block
; blockf : block
; pos : Lexing.position
| Loop of
{ expr : expr
; block : block
; pos : Lexing.position
and block = instr list
type def =
| Func of
{ typ : type_t
; name : ident
; args : (type_t * ident) list
; block : block
; pos : Lexing.position
type prog = def list
module IR = struct
type ident = string
type expr =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| Char of char
| Str of string
| Void
| Bool of bool
(* | Array of int * expr list *)
| Var of ident
| Call of ident * expr list
type instr =
| Decl of ident
| Expr of expr
| Assign of ident * expr
| Return of expr
| Cond of expr * block * block
| Loop of expr * block
and block = instr list
type def = Func of ident * ident list * block
type prog = def list
let string_of_ir ast =
let rec fmt_e = function
| Int n -> "Int " ^ string_of_int n
| Float n -> "Float " ^ string_of_float n
| Char c -> "Char " ^ String.make 1 c
| Str s -> "Str \"" ^ s ^ "\""
(* | Array (n, e) -> "Array (" ^ string_of_int n ^ ", " ^ String.concat " ; " ( fmt_e e) ^ ")" *)
| Void -> "Void"
| Bool b -> "Bool " ^ string_of_bool b
| Var v -> "Var \"" ^ v ^ "\""
| Call (f, a) ->
"Call (\"" ^ f ^ "\", [ " ^ String.concat " ; " ( fmt_e a) ^ " ])"
and fmt_i = function
| Decl v -> "Decl \"" ^ v ^ "\""
| Assign (v, e) -> "Assign (\"" ^ v ^ "\", " ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
| Expr e -> "Expr (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
| Return e -> "Return (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
| Cond (e, bt, bf) -> "Cond (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ", " ^ fmt_b bt ^ "\n, " ^ fmt_b bf ^ ")"
| Loop (e, b) -> "Loop (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ",\n" ^ fmt_b b ^ ")"
and fmt_b b = "\t[ " ^ String.concat "\n\t; " ( fmt_i b) ^ " ]"
and fmt_arg a = "\"" ^ a ^ "\""
and fmt_d = function
| Func (name, args, b) ->
"[ Func (\""
^ name
^ "\", "
^ "[ "
^ String.concat " ; " ( fmt_arg args)
^ " ],\n"
^ fmt_b b
^ ")"
^ "]"
and fmt_p p = "[\n " ^ String.concat "\n " ( fmt_d p) ^ "\n]" in
fmt_p ast
module IR2 = struct
type ident = string
type value =
| Nil
| Bool of bool
| Int of int
| Float of float
| Char of char
| Data of string
type expr =
| Value of value
| Var of ident
| Call of ident * expr list
(* type lvalue = *)
(* | LVar of ident *)
(* | LAddr of expr *)
type instr =
| Decl of ident
| Return of expr
| Expr of expr
| Assign of expr * expr
| Cond of expr * block * block
| Loop of expr * block
and block = instr list
type def = Func of ident * ident list * block
type prog = def list

188 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
open Ast
module Env = Map.Make (String)
let native_func_names =
[ "_add"
; "_sub"
; "_mul"
; "_div"
; "_adds"
; "_subs"
; "_muls"
; "_divs"
; "_xor"
; "_or"
; "_and"
; "_seq"
; "_sne"
; "_sge"
; "_sgt"
; "_sle"
; "_slt"
; "_mod"
; "_neg"
; "_not"
; "puts"
; "puti"
; "geti"
let native_asmdx = Func_t (Int_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
let native_asmdfloat = Func_t (Float_t, [ Float_t; Float_t ])
let native_eq = Func_t (Int_t, [ Int_t; Int_t ])
let native_not = Func_t (Int_t, [ Int_t ])
let native_neg = Func_t (Int_t, [ Int_t ])
let native_puts = Func_t (Void_t, [ Str_t ])
let native_puti = Func_t (Void_t, [ Int_t ])
let native_geti = Func_t (Int_t, [])
let native_funcs =
[ native_asmdx (* "_add" *)
; native_asmdx (* "_sub" *)
; native_asmdx (* "_mul" *)
; native_asmdx (* "_div" *)
; native_asmdfloat (* "_adds" *)
; native_asmdfloat (* "_subs" *)
; native_asmdfloat (* "_muls" *)
; native_asmdfloat (* "_divs" *)
; native_asmdx (* "_xor" *)
; native_asmdx (* "_or" *)
; native_asmdx (* "_and" *)
; native_eq (* "_seq" *)
; native_eq (* "_sne" *)
; native_eq (* "_sge" *)
; native_eq (* "_sgt" *)
; native_eq (* "_sle" *)
; native_eq (* "_slt" *)
; native_asmdx (* "_mod" *)
; native_neg (* "_neg" *)
; native_not (* "_not" *)
; native_puts (* "puts" *)
; native_puti (* "puti" *)
; native_geti (* "geti" *)
let add_funcs env name func = Env.add name func env
let _baselib_ = List.fold_left2 add_funcs Env.empty native_func_names native_funcs
open Mips
let builtins =
[ Label "_add"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Add (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_sub"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Sub (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_div"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Div (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_mul"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Mul (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_adds"
; Ls (F1, Mem (SP, 0))
; Ls (F2, Mem (SP, 4))
; Adds (F0, F1, F2)
; Jr RA
; Label "_subs"
; Ls (F1, Mem (SP, 0))
; Ls (F2, Mem (SP, 4))
; Subs (F0, F1, F2)
; Jr RA
; Label "_divs"
; Ls (F1, Mem (SP, 0))
; Ls (F2, Mem (SP, 4))
; Divs (F0, F1, F2)
; Jr RA
; Label "_muls"
; Ls (F1, Mem (SP, 0))
; Ls (F2, Mem (SP, 4))
; Muls (F0, F1, F2)
; Jr RA
; Label "_xor"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Xor (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_or"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Or (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_and"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; And (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_seq"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Seq (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_sne"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Sne (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_sge"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Sge (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_sgt"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Sgt (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_sle"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Sle (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_slt"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Slt (V0, T0, T1)
; Jr RA
; Label "_mod"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Lw (T1, Mem (SP, 4))
; Div (V0, T0, T1)
; Mfhi V0
; Jr RA
; Label "_not"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Seq (V0, T0, Zero)
; Jr RA
; Label "_neg"
; Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Sub (V0, T0, Zero)
; Jr RA
; Label "puti"
; Lw (A0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Li (V0, Syscall.print_int)
; Syscall
; Jr RA
; Label "geti"
; Lw (A0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Li (V0, Syscall.read_int)
; Syscall
; Jr RA
; Label "puts"
; Lw (A0, Mem (SP, 0))
; Li (V0, Syscall.print_str)
; Syscall
; Jr RA

10 Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#!/usr/bin/env sh
ocamlbuild -use-menhir test.byte
./test.byte tests/$1.test > t.s
# echo 'load "t.s"' | spim
# spim
cat <<EOF | spim
load "t.s"

140 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
open Mips
open Ast.IR2
module Env = Map.Make (String)
type cinfo =
{ code : Mips.instr list
; env : Mips.loc Env.t
; fpo : int
; counter : int
; return : string
let compile_v = function
| Nil -> [ Li (V0, 0) ]
| Bool b -> [ Li (V0, if b then 1 else 0) ]
| Int n -> [ Li (V0, n) ]
| Float f -> [ Lis (F0, f) ]
| Char c -> [ Li (V0, int_of_char c) ]
| Data l -> [ La (V0, Lbl l) ]
let rec compile_expr e env =
match e with
| Value v -> compile_v v
| Var v -> [ Lw (V0, Env.find v env) ]
| Call (f, args) ->
let ca =
(fun a -> compile_expr a env @ [ Addi (SP, SP, -4); Sw (V0, Mem (SP, 0)) ])
List.flatten ca @ [ Jal f; Addi (SP, SP, 4 * List.length args) ]
let rec compile_instr i info =
match i with
| Decl v ->
{ info with env = Env.add v (Mem (FP, -info.fpo)) info.env; fpo = info.fpo + 4 }
| Return e ->
{ info with code = info.code @ compile_expr e info.env @ [ B info.return ] }
| Expr e -> { info with code = info.code @ compile_expr e info.env }
| Assign (lv, e) ->
{ info with
code =
@ compile_expr e info.env
match lv with
| Var v -> [ Sw (V0, Env.find v info.env) ]
| _ -> failwith "WTF???")
(* | LVar v -> [ Sw (V0, Env.find v info.env) ] *)
(* | LAddr a -> [] *)
(* @ [ Addi (SP, SP, -4) *)
(* ; Sw (V0, Mem (SP, 0)) ] *)
(* @ compile_expr a info.env *)
(* @ [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0)) *)
(* ; Addi (SP, SP, 4) *)
(* ; Sw (T0, Mem (V0, 0)) ]) } *)
| Cond (c, t, e) ->
let uniq = string_of_int info.counter in
let ct = compile_block t { info with code = []
; counter = info.counter + 1 } in
let ce = compile_block e { info with code = []
; counter = ct.counter } in
{ info with
code = info.code
@ compile_expr c info.env
@ [ Beqz (V0, "else" ^ uniq) ]
@ ct.code
@ [ B ("endif" ^ uniq)
; Label ("else" ^ uniq) ]
@ ce.code
@ [ Label ("endif" ^ uniq) ]
; counter = ce.counter }
| Loop (c, t) ->
let uniq = string_of_int info.counter in
let ct = compile_block t { info with code = []
; counter = info.counter + 1 } in
{ info with
code = info.code
@ [ Label ("loop" ^ uniq) ]
@ compile_expr c info.env
@ [ Beqz (V0, "endloop" ^ uniq) ]
@ ct.code
@ [ J ("loop" ^ uniq) ]
@ [ Label ("endloop" ^ uniq) ]
; counter = ct.counter }
and compile_block b info =
match b with
| [] -> info
| i :: r -> compile_block r (compile_instr i info)
let compile_def (Func (name, args, b)) counter =
let cb =
{ code = []
; env =
(fun e (i, a) -> Env.add a (Mem (FP, 4 * i)) e)
(List.mapi (fun i a -> i + 1, a) args)
; fpo = 8
; counter = counter + 1
; return = "ret" ^ string_of_int counter
( cb.counter
, []
@ [ Label name
; Addi (SP, SP, -cb.fpo)
; Sw (RA, Mem (SP, cb.fpo - 4))
; Sw (FP, Mem (SP, cb.fpo - 8))
; Addi (FP, SP, cb.fpo - 4)
@ cb.code
@ [ Label cb.return
; Addi (SP, SP, cb.fpo)
; Lw (RA, Mem (FP, 0))
; Lw (FP, Mem (FP, -4))
; Jr RA
] )
let rec compile_prog p counter =
match p with
| [] -> []
| d :: r ->
let new_counter, cd = compile_def d counter in
cd @ compile_prog r new_counter
let compile (code, data) =
{ text = Baselib.builtins @ compile_prog code 0
; data = (fun (l, s) -> l, Asciiz s) data

lexer.mll Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
open Lexing
open Parser
exception Error of char
exception ErrorStr of string
let keywords =
("void", Lvoid_kw);
("int", Lint_kw);
("char", Lchar_kw);
("float", Lfloat_kw);
("bool", Lbool_kw);
("return", Lreturn);
("puts", Lputs);
("puti", Lputi);
("geti", Lgeti);
("if", Lif);
("else", Lelse);
(* ("for", Lfor); *)
(* ("do", Ldo); *)
("while", Lwhile);
(* ("break", Lbreak); *)
(* ("continue", Lcontinue) *)
let find_kw s =
match List.assoc_opt s keywords with
| Some kw -> kw
| None -> Lvar s
let alpha = ['a'-'z' 'A'-'Z']
let num = ['0'-'9']
let numf = (num)+ '.' (num)+
let identifier = alpha (alpha | num | '-' | '_')*
let character = (_ | '\\'['a' 'b' 't' 'n' 'v' 'f' 'r' '0' '\\' '''])
let boo = ("true" | "false")
rule token = parse
| eof { Lend }
| [ ' ' '\t' ] { token lexbuf }
| '\n' { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
| "//" { comment lexbuf }
| "/*" { multiline_comment lexbuf }
| ('-')? numf as n { Lfloat (float_of_string n) }
| ('-')? num+ as n { Lint (int_of_string n) }
| boo as b { Lbool (bool_of_string b) }
| "'" character"'" as c { Lchar c }
| '"' { Lstr (str lexbuf) }
| "(" { Lopar }
| ")" { Lcpar }
(* | "[" { Lob } *)
(* | "]" { Lcb } *)
| ";" { Lsc }
| "*" { Lmul }
| "+" { Ladd }
| "/" { Ldiv }
| "%" { Lmod }
| "^" { Lxor }
| "&" { Land }
| "|" { Lor }
| "-" { Lsub }
| "=" { Lassign }
| "==" { Leq }
| "!=" { Lneq }
| ">=" { Lge }
| ">" { Lgt }
| "<=" { Lle }
| "<" { Llt }
| "," { Lcomma }
| "{" { Lobr }
| "}" { Lcbr }
| "!" { Lnot }
| identifier as i { find_kw i }
| _ as c { raise (Error c) }
and comment = parse
| eof { Lend }
| '\n' { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; token lexbuf }
| _ { comment lexbuf }
and multiline_comment = parse
| eof { Lend }
| '\n' { Lexing.new_line lexbuf; multiline_comment lexbuf }
| "*/" { token lexbuf }
| _ { multiline_comment lexbuf }
and str = parse
| eof { raise (ErrorStr "Unexpected EOF") }
| '"' { "" }
| _ as c { (String.make 1 c) ^ (str lexbuf) }

147 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
type reg =
| Zero
| SP
| RA
| FP
| V0
| F0
| F1
| F2
| A0
| A1
| T0
| T1
(* | FF *)
type label = string
type loc =
| Lbl of label
| Mem of reg * int
type instr =
| Label of label
| Li of reg * int
| Lis of reg * float
| La of reg * loc
| Sw of reg * loc
| Lw of reg * loc
| Ls of reg * loc
| Sb of reg * loc
| Lb of reg * loc
| Move of reg * reg
| Addi of reg * reg * int
| Add of reg * reg * reg
| Sub of reg * reg * reg
| Div of reg * reg * reg
| Mflo of reg
| Mfhi of reg
| Xor of reg * reg * reg
| Or of reg * reg * reg
| Nor of reg * reg * reg
| And of reg * reg * reg
| Mul of reg * reg * reg
| Seq of reg * reg * reg
| Sne of reg * reg * reg
| Sge of reg * reg * reg
| Sgt of reg * reg * reg
| Sle of reg * reg * reg
| Slt of reg * reg * reg
| Adds of reg * reg * reg
| Subs of reg * reg * reg
| Muls of reg * reg * reg
| Divs of reg * reg * reg
| Andi of reg * reg * int
| Not of reg * reg
| Syscall
| B of label
| Beqz of reg * label
| Jal of label
| Jr of reg
| J of label
type directive =
| Asciiz of string
type decl = label * directive
type asm = { text: instr list ; data: decl list }
module Syscall = struct
let print_int = 1
let print_str = 4
let read_int = 5
let read_str = 8
let sbrk = 9
let ps = Printf.sprintf (* alias raccourci *)
let fmt_reg = function
| Zero -> "$zero"
| SP -> "$sp"
| FP -> "$fp"
| RA -> "$ra"
| V0 -> "$v0"
| F0 -> "$f0"
| F1 -> "$f1"
| F2 -> "$f2"
| A0 -> "$a0"
| A1 -> "$a1"
| T0 -> "$t0"
| T1 -> "$t1"
(* | FF -> "0x00ff" *)
let fmt_loc = function
| Lbl (l) -> l
| Mem (r, o) -> ps "%d(%s)" o (fmt_reg r)
let fmt_instr = function
| Label (l) -> ps "%s:" l
| Li (r, i) -> ps " li %s, %d" (fmt_reg r) i
| Lis (r, i) -> ps " li.s %s, %f" (fmt_reg r) i
| La (r, a) -> ps " la %s, %s" (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Sw (r, a) -> ps " sw %s, %s" (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Lw (r, a) -> ps " lw %s, %s" (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Ls (r, a) -> ps " l.s %s, %s" (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Sb (r, a) -> ps " sb %s, %s" (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Lb (r, a) -> ps " lb %s, %s" (fmt_reg r) (fmt_loc a)
| Move (rd, rs) -> ps " move %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs)
| Addi (rd, rs, i) -> ps " addi %s, %s, %d" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) i
| Add (rd, rs, rt) -> ps " add %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Sub (rd, rs, rt) -> ps " sub %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd)(fmt_reg rt) (fmt_reg rs)
| Div (rd, rs, rt) -> ps " div %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rt) (fmt_reg rs)
| Mflo rd -> ps " mflo %s" (fmt_reg rd)
| Mfhi rd -> ps " mfhi %s" (fmt_reg rd)
| Xor (rd, rs, rt) -> ps " xor %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Or (rd, rs, rt) -> ps " or %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Nor (rd, rs, rt) -> ps " nor %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| And (rd, rs, rt) -> ps " and %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Mul (rd, rs, rt) -> ps " mul %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Seq (rd, rs, rt) -> ps " seq %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Sne (rd, rs, rt) -> ps " sne %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Sge (rd, rt, rs) -> ps " sge %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Sgt (rd, rt, rs) -> ps " sgt %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Sle (rd, rt, rs) -> ps " sle %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Slt (rd, rt, rs) -> ps " slt %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Adds (rd, rt, rs) -> ps " add.s %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Subs (rd, rt, rs) -> ps " sub.s %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Muls (rd, rt, rs) -> ps " mul.s %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Divs (rd, rt, rs) -> ps " div.s %s, %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) (fmt_reg rt)
| Andi (rd, rs, i) -> ps " and %s, %s, %d" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs) i
| Not (rd, rs) -> ps " not %s, %s" (fmt_reg rd) (fmt_reg rs)
| Syscall -> ps " syscall"
| B (l) -> ps " b %s" l
| Beqz (r, l) -> ps " beqz %s, %s" (fmt_reg r) l
| Jal (l) -> ps " jal %s" l
| Jr (r) -> ps " jr %s" (fmt_reg r)
| J (l) -> ps " j %s" l
let fmt_dir = function
| Asciiz (s) -> ps ".asciiz \"%s\"" s
let print_asm oc asm =
Printf.fprintf oc ".text\n.globl main\n" ;
List.iter (fun i -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s\n" (fmt_instr i)) asm.text ;
Printf.fprintf oc "\\n" ;
List.iter (fun (l, d) -> Printf.fprintf oc "%s: %s\n" l (fmt_dir d))

parser.mly Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
open Ast
open Ast.Syntax
%token <int> Lint
%token <float> Lfloat
%token <string> Lvar
%token <string> Lchar
%token <string> Lstr
%token <bool> Lbool
%token Lint_kw Lfloat_kw Lchar_kw Lvoid_kw Lbool_kw
%token Ladd Lsub Lmul Ldiv Lmod Lxor Lor Land Leq Lneq Lge Lgt Lle Llt Lnot
%token Lopar Lcpar Lputs Lputi Lgeti
%token Lreturn Lassign Lsc Lend Lif Lelse Lwhile
%token Lcomma Lobr Lcbr (* Lob Lcb *)
%left Ladd Lsub
%left Lmul Ldiv
%left Lmod Lxor Lor Land
%left Leq Lneq Lge Lgt Lle Llt Lnot
%left Lputs Lputi Lgeti Lrand
%start prog
%type <Ast.Syntax.prog> prog
| d = def; p = prog {
d :: p
| Lend { [] }
| t = typ; id = Lvar; Lopar; a = args; Lcpar; Lobr; b = block; Lcbr {
Func { typ = t; name = id; args = a; block = b; pos = $startpos(t) }
| t = typ; id = Lvar {
t, id
| { [] }
| a = arg { a :: [] }
| a = arg; Lcomma; r = args {
a :: r
| { [] }
| Lreturn; e = expr; Lsc; b = block {
Return { expr = e; pos = $startpos($1) }
:: b
| v = Lvar; Lassign; e = expr; Lsc; b = block {
Assign { var = v; expr = e; pos = $startpos($2) }
:: b
| t = typ; v = Lvar; Lsc; b = block {
Decl { var = v; typ = t; pos = $startpos(t) }
:: b
| t = typ; Lmul; v = Lvar; Lsc; b = block {
Decl { var = v; typ = Point_t(t); pos = $startpos(t) }
:: b
| t = typ; v = Lvar; Lassign; e = expr; Lsc; b = block {
Decl { var = v; typ = t; pos = $startpos(t) }
:: Assign { var = v; expr = e; pos = $startpos($3) }
:: b
| e = expr; Lsc; b = block {
Expr { expr = e; pos = $startpos(e) }
:: b
| Lwhile; e = expr; Lobr; bl = block; Lcbr; b = block {
Loop { expr = e; block = bl; pos = $startpos($1) }
:: b
| c = cond; b = block {
c :: b
| Lif; e = expr; Lobr; bt = block; Lcbr {
Cond { expr = e; blockt = bt; blockf = []; pos = $startpos($1) }
| Lif; e = expr; Lobr; bt = block; Lcbr; Lelse; Lobr; be = block; Lcbr {
Cond { expr = e; blockt = bt; blockf = be; pos = $startpos($1) }
| Lif; e = expr; Lobr; bt = block; Lcbr; Lelse; bf = cond {
Cond { expr = e; blockt = bt; blockf = [bf]; pos = $startpos($1) }
| { [] }
| e = expr {
e :: []
| e = expr; Lcomma; p = par {
e :: p
| Lopar; e = expr; Lcpar {
| n = Lfloat {
Float { value = n; pos = $startpos(n) }
| c = Lchar {
Char { value = c; pos = $startpos(c) }
| s = Lstr {
Str { value = s; pos = $startpos(s) }
| n = Lint {
Int { value = n; pos = $startpos(n) }
| b = Lbool {
Bool { value = b; pos = $startpos(b) }
| v = Lvar {
Var { name = v; pos = $startpos(v) }
| id = Lvar; Lopar; p = par; Lcpar; {
Call { func = id; args = p; pos = $startpos(id) }
| Lnot; a = expr; {
Call { func = "_not"; args = [ a ]; pos = $startpos($1) }
| Lsub; a = expr; {
Call { func = "_neg"; args = [ a ]; pos = $startpos($1) }
| a = expr; Lmul; b = expr {
Call { func = "_mul"; args = [ a ; b ]; pos = $startpos($2) }
| a = expr; Ladd; b = expr {
Call { func = "_add"; args = [ a ; b ]; pos = $startpos($2) }
| a = expr; Lsub; b = expr {
Call { func = "_sub"; args = [ a ; b ]; pos = $startpos($2) }
| a = expr; Ldiv; b = expr {
Call { func = "_div"; args = [ a ; b ]; pos = $startpos($2) }
| a = expr; Lmod; b = expr {
Call { func = "_mod"; args = [ a ; b ]; pos = $startpos($2) }
| a = expr; n = nat; b = expr {
Call { func = n; args = [ a ; b ]; pos = $startpos(n) }
| n = nat; Lopar; e = expr; Lcpar; {
Call { func = n; args = [ e ]; pos = $startpos(n) }
| n = nat; Lopar; Lcpar; {
Call { func = n; args = [ ]; pos = $startpos(n) }
| Lxor {
| Lor {
| Land {
| Lputs {
| Lputi {
| Lgeti {
| Lneq {
| Leq {
| Lge {
| Lgt {
| Lle {
| Llt {
| Lint_kw { Int_t }
| Lchar_kw { Char_t }
| Lfloat_kw { Float_t }
| Lbool_kw { Bool_t }
| Lvoid_kw { Void_t }

157 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
open Ast
open Ast.IR
open Baselib
exception Error of string * Lexing.position
(* fonctions d'aide à la gestion des erreurs *)
let expr_pos expr =
match expr with
| Syntax.Int n -> n.pos
| Syntax.Float n -> n.pos
| Syntax.Char c -> c.pos
| Syntax.Str s -> s.pos
| Syntax.Bool b -> b.pos
| Syntax.Var v -> v.pos
| Syntax.Call c -> c.pos
let errt expected given pos =
( Printf.sprintf
"expected %s but given %s"
(string_of_type_t expected)
(string_of_type_t given)
, pos ))
(* analyse sémantique *)
let rec analyze_expr expr env =
match expr with
| Syntax.Int n -> Int n.value, Int_t
| Syntax.Float n -> Float n.value, Float_t (* TODO: Should be Float_t *)
| Syntax.Char c -> Char c.value.[0], Char_t
| Syntax.Str s -> Str s.value, Str_t
| Syntax.Bool b -> Bool b.value, Bool_t
| Syntax.Var va ->
(match Env.find_opt env with
| Some v -> Var, v
| _ -> raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "unbound variable '%s'", va.pos)))
| Syntax.Call c ->
(match Env.find_opt c.func env with
| Some (Func_t (rt, at)) ->
if List.length at != List.length c.args
( Printf.sprintf
"expected %d arguments but given %d"
(List.length at)
(List.length c.args)
, c.pos ));
let args =
(fun eat a ->
let aa, at = analyze_expr a env in
if at = eat then aa else errt eat at (expr_pos a))
Call (c.func, args), rt
| Some _ -> raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "'%s' is not a function" c.func, c.pos))
| None -> raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "undefined function '%s'" c.func, c.pos)))
let rec analyze_instr instr env =
match instr with
| Syntax.Assign a ->
let t =
match Env.find_opt a.var env with
| Some ty -> ty
| _ -> raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "undeclared variable '%s'" a.var, a.pos))
let ae, et = analyze_expr a.expr env in
if t = et
then Assign (a.var, ae), Env.add a.var et env
( Printf.sprintf
"changing type of variable '%s' %s -> %s"
(string_of_type_t t)
(string_of_type_t et)
, a.pos ))
| Syntax.Decl d ->
if Env.mem d.var env
then raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "redefinition of '%s'" d.var, d.pos))
else Decl d.var, Env.add d.var d.typ env
| Syntax.Expr e ->
let ae, t = analyze_expr e.expr env in
Expr ae, env
| Syntax.Return r ->
let ae, _ = analyze_expr r.expr env in
Return ae, env
| Syntax.Cond c ->
let ae, et = analyze_expr c.expr env in
if et <> Int_t && et <> Bool_t
then raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "not a boolean expression", c.pos))
else (
let abt, nenv = analyze_block c.blockt env in
let abf, new_env = analyze_block c.blockf nenv in
Cond (ae, abt, abf), new_env)
| Syntax.Loop l ->
let ae, et = analyze_expr l.expr env in
if et <> Int_t && et <> Bool_t
then raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "not a boolean expression", l.pos))
else (
let ab, nenv = analyze_block l.block env in
Loop (ae, ab), nenv)
and analyze_block block env =
match block with
| [] -> [], env
| instr :: rest ->
let ai, new_env = analyze_instr instr env in
let ab, nenv = analyze_block rest new_env in
ai :: ab, nenv
let rec add_arg_env args env =
match args with
| [] -> env
| (ty, arg) :: rest -> add_arg_env rest (Env.add arg ty env)
let rec analyze_def def env =
match def with
| Syntax.Func f ->
if Env.mem env
then raise (Error (Printf.sprintf "redefinition of function '%s'", f.pos))
else (
let at, args = List.split f.args in
let nenv = add_arg_env f.args (Env.add (Func_t (f.typ, at)) env) in
let b, new_env = analyze_block f.block nenv in
Func (, args, b), Env.add (Func_t (f.typ, at)) env)
let print_env key v = print_endline (key ^ " " ^ string_of_type_t v)
let rec analyze_prog defs env =
match defs with
| [] -> [], env
| def :: rest ->
let ad, new_env = analyze_def def env in
let ap, nenv = analyze_prog rest new_env in
ad :: ap, nenv
let analyze parsed =
let a, env = analyze_prog parsed Baselib._baselib_ in
(* Env.iter print_env env; *)
(* print_endline ("a" ^ " " ^ (string_of_type_t (Env.find "a" env))); *)

77 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
open Ast
module Env = Map.Make (String)
let collect_constant_strings code =
let counter = ref 0 in
let env = ref Env.empty in
let rec ccs_expr = function
| IR.Void -> IR2.Value (IR2.Nil), []
| IR.Bool b -> IR2.Value (IR2.Bool b), []
| IR.Int n -> IR2.Value (IR2.Int n), []
| IR.Char c -> IR2.Value (IR2.Char c), []
| IR.Float f -> IR2.Value (IR2.Float f), []
| IR.Str s ->
(match Env.find_opt s !env with
| Some l -> IR2.Value (IR2.Data l), []
| None ->
incr counter;
let l = "str" ^ string_of_int !counter in
env := Env.add s l !env;
IR2.Value (IR2.Data l), [ l, s ])
| IR.Var v -> IR2.Var v, []
| IR.Call (f, args) ->
let args2 = ccs_expr args in
let ccs = List.flatten ( (fun (_, s) -> s) args2) in
IR2.Call (f, (fun (e, _) -> e) args2), ccs
(* let ccs_lvalue = function *)
(* | IR.LVar v -> *)
(* IR2.LVar v, [] *)
(* | IR.LAddr a -> *)
(* let a2, ccs = ccs_expr a in *)
(* IR2.LAddr a2, ccs *)
(* in *)
let rec ccs_instr = function
| IR.Decl v -> IR2.Decl v, []
| IR.Return e ->
let e2, ccs = ccs_expr e in
IR2.Return e2, ccs
| IR.Expr e ->
let e2, ccs = ccs_expr e in
IR2.Expr e2, ccs
| IR.Assign (lv, e) ->
let lv2, ccs_lv = ccs_expr (IR.Var lv) in
let e2, ccs_e = ccs_expr e in
IR2.Assign (lv2, e2), List.flatten [ ccs_lv; ccs_e ]
| IR.Cond (t, y, n) ->
let t2, ccs_t = ccs_expr t in
let y2, ccs_y = ccs_block y in
let n2, ccs_n = ccs_block n in
IR2.Cond (t2, y2, n2), List.flatten [ ccs_t; ccs_y; ccs_n ]
| IR.Loop (e, b) ->
let e2, ccs_e = ccs_expr e in
let b2, ccs_b = ccs_block b in
IR2.Loop (e2, b2), List.flatten [ ccs_e; ccs_b ]
and ccs_block = function
| [] -> [], []
| i :: r ->
let i2, ccs_i = ccs_instr i in
let r2, ccs_r = ccs_block r in
i2 :: r2, List.flatten [ ccs_i; ccs_r ]
let ccs_def = function
| IR.Func (name, args, body) ->
let body2, ccs = ccs_block body in
IR2.Func (name, args, body2), ccs
let rec ccs_prog = function
| [] -> [], []
| d :: r ->
let d2, ccs_d = ccs_def d in
let r2, ccs_r = ccs_prog r in
d2 :: r2, List.flatten [ ccs_d; ccs_r ]
ccs_prog code
let simplify code = collect_constant_strings code

t.s Normal file
View File

39 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
(* ocamlbuild -use-menhir test.byte *)
open Lexing
open Ast
open Ast.IR
let err msg pos =
"Error on line %d col %d: %s.\n"
(pos.pos_cnum - pos.pos_bol)
exit 1
let () =
if Array.length Sys.argv != 2
then (
Printf.eprintf "Usage: %s <file>\n" Sys.argv.(0);
exit 1);
let f = open_in Sys.argv.(1) in
let buf = Lexing.from_channel f in
let parsed = Parser.prog Lexer.token buf in
close_in f;
let ast = Semantics.analyze parsed in
let simplified = Simplifier.simplify ast in
(* print_endline (IR.string_of_ir ast); *)
let compiled = Compiler.compile simplified in
Mips.print_asm Stdlib.stdout compiled
(* print_endline (IR.string_of_ir ast) *)
| Match_failure (m, _, _) -> Printf.eprintf "Vous devez compléter le module %s.\n" m
| Lexer.Error c ->
err (Printf.sprintf "unrecognized char '%c'" c) (Lexing.lexeme_start_p buf)
| Parser.Error -> err "syntax error" (Lexing.lexeme_start_p buf)
| Semantics.Error (msg, pos) -> err msg pos
| _ -> failwith "WTF?"

tests/0.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# fichier vide

tests/1.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
return 1312;

tests/10.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
char a = 'A';
a = 'B';
char b;
b = 'a';
/* b = 1; // it should fail */
int c = 1 + 10;
return a;

tests/11.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
int main(int argc, char argv)
int c = 1;
return 0;
int add(int a, int b)
/* int d = c; // should fail */
return a + b;

tests/12.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
int add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int main()
int a = 12;
return a;

tests/13.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
int add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int main()
int a; // test of scope
return 0;

tests/14.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
int foo(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int main()
int a = 1;
int b = 2;
foo(a, b);
int c = foo(a,b);
bool f = true;
return 0;

tests/15.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
int foo(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int main()
int a = geti();
int b = geti();
puti(foo(a, b));
return 0;

tests/16.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
int add_int(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int main()
int a = 2;
int b = 2;
puti(a + 5 * b);
return 0;

tests/17.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
int main()
int a = 3;
int b = 4;
if (a == b) {
} else {
return 0;

tests/18.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
int main()
int b = 5;
char a = 'a';
bool c = true;
float fp = 123.123;
while (c) {
b = b - 1;
if (b <= 0) {
c = false;
} else if (b == 1) {
} else if (b == 2) {
} else if (b == 3) {
return 0;

tests/19.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
int main()
int a = -1;
if (1) {
puti(-(a + 1));
return 0;

tests/2.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
return 21 * 2;

tests/20.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
int main()
if (!1) {
if (!0) {
return 0;

tests/3.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
x = 42;

tests/4.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
x = -42;
return x;

tests/5.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
x = 500 + 150 + 6;
y = x * 2;
return y;

tests/6.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
x = 2 * (2 + 6) + 2;
y = x * 2;
return y;

tests/7.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
x = 2.0 * (2.2 + 6.1) + 2.1;
#y = x * 2;
return x;

tests/8.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
x = 'A';
x = '\'';
return x;

tests/9.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
a = "Hello, world!";
b = "";
return a;

tests/game.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
// NOTE: DO NOT TEST WITH because geti (input)
void guessing_game(int n)
int x = 4; // no syscall for rand in spim -_-
int res = -1;
while (res != x) {
puts("Guess the number\n");
res = geti();
if (res < x) {
puts("Too little\n");
} else if (res > x) {
puts("Too big\n");
puts("Bravo, you guessed!\n");
int main()
puts("Hello, enter a max for guessing game\n");
return 0;

tests/newt.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
int fact(int n)
int result;
if (n == 0) {
result = 1;
} else {
result = n * fact((n - 1));
return result;
int main()
return 0;

tests/puiss.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
int puiss(int n, int x)
int res = 1;
if (n == 0) {
return res;
if (n == 1) {
return x;
while (n > 0) {
res = res * x;
n = n - 1;
return res;
int main()
int x = 3;
int n = 5;
puti(puiss(x,n)); // 3 ^ 5
return 0;

tests/tmp.test Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
int main()
if (1) {
puts("Hello, world!");
return 0;