
210 lines
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2022-01-27 16:31:58 +01:00
type type_t =
| Int_t
| Float_t
| Char_t
| Str_t
| Void_t
| Bool_t
| Func_t of type_t * type_t list
| Point_t of type_t
(* | Array_t of int * type_t *)
let rec string_of_type_t t =
match t with
| Int_t -> "int"
| Float_t -> "float"
| Char_t -> "char"
| Str_t -> "string"
| Void_t -> "void"
| Bool_t -> "bool"
(* | Array_t (n, t) -> string_of_type_t t *)
| Point_t t -> string_of_type_t t
| Func_t (r, a) ->
(if List.length a > 1 then "(" else "")
^ String.concat ", " ( string_of_type_t a)
^ (if List.length a > 1 then ")" else "")
^ " -> "
^ string_of_type_t r
module Syntax = struct
type ident = string
type expr =
| Int of
{ value : int
; pos : Lexing.position
| Float of
{ value : float
; pos : Lexing.position
| Char of
{ value : string
; pos : Lexing.position
| Str of
{ value : string
; pos : Lexing.position
(* | Array of *)
(* { value : expr list *)
(* ; cap : int option *)
(* ; pos : Lexing.position *)
(* } *)
| Bool of
{ value : bool
; pos : Lexing.position
| Var of
{ name : ident
; pos : Lexing.position
| Call of
{ func : ident
; args : expr list
; pos : Lexing.position
type instr =
| Assign of
{ var : ident
; expr : expr
; pos : Lexing.position
| Decl of
{ var : ident
; typ : type_t
; pos : Lexing.position
| Expr of
{ expr : expr
; pos : Lexing.position
| Return of
{ expr : expr
; pos : Lexing.position
| Cond of
{ expr : expr
; blockt : block
; blockf : block
; pos : Lexing.position
| Loop of
{ expr : expr
; block : block
; pos : Lexing.position
and block = instr list
type def =
| Func of
{ typ : type_t
; name : ident
; args : (type_t * ident) list
; block : block
; pos : Lexing.position
type prog = def list
module IR = struct
type ident = string
type expr =
| Int of int
| Float of float
| Char of char
| Str of string
| Void
| Bool of bool
(* | Array of int * expr list *)
| Var of ident
| Call of ident * expr list
type instr =
| Decl of ident
| Expr of expr
| Assign of ident * expr
| Return of expr
| Cond of expr * block * block
| Loop of expr * block
and block = instr list
type def = Func of ident * ident list * block
type prog = def list
let string_of_ir ast =
let rec fmt_e = function
| Int n -> "Int " ^ string_of_int n
| Float n -> "Float " ^ string_of_float n
| Char c -> "Char " ^ String.make 1 c
| Str s -> "Str \"" ^ s ^ "\""
(* | Array (n, e) -> "Array (" ^ string_of_int n ^ ", " ^ String.concat " ; " ( fmt_e e) ^ ")" *)
| Void -> "Void"
| Bool b -> "Bool " ^ string_of_bool b
| Var v -> "Var \"" ^ v ^ "\""
| Call (f, a) ->
"Call (\"" ^ f ^ "\", [ " ^ String.concat " ; " ( fmt_e a) ^ " ])"
and fmt_i = function
| Decl v -> "Decl \"" ^ v ^ "\""
| Assign (v, e) -> "Assign (\"" ^ v ^ "\", " ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
| Expr e -> "Expr (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
| Return e -> "Return (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ")"
| Cond (e, bt, bf) -> "Cond (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ", " ^ fmt_b bt ^ "\n, " ^ fmt_b bf ^ ")"
| Loop (e, b) -> "Loop (" ^ fmt_e e ^ ",\n" ^ fmt_b b ^ ")"
and fmt_b b = "\t[ " ^ String.concat "\n\t; " ( fmt_i b) ^ " ]"
and fmt_arg a = "\"" ^ a ^ "\""
and fmt_d = function
| Func (name, args, b) ->
"[ Func (\""
^ name
^ "\", "
^ "[ "
^ String.concat " ; " ( fmt_arg args)
^ " ],\n"
^ fmt_b b
^ ")"
^ "]"
and fmt_p p = "[\n " ^ String.concat "\n " ( fmt_d p) ^ "\n]" in
fmt_p ast
module IR2 = struct
type ident = string
type value =
| Nil
| Bool of bool
| Int of int
| Float of float
| Char of char
| Data of string
type expr =
| Value of value
| Var of ident
| Call of ident * expr list
(* type lvalue = *)
(* | LVar of ident *)
(* | LAddr of expr *)
type instr =
| Decl of ident
| Return of expr
| Expr of expr
| Assign of expr * expr
| Cond of expr * block * block
| Loop of expr * block
and block = instr list
type def = Func of ident * ident list * block
type prog = def list