
57 lines
1.7 KiB

return {
-- event = 'VeryLazy',
keys = { 'gcc', { 'gc', mode = 'v' }, { 'gb', mode = 'v' } },
opts = {
-- -LHS of operator-pending mappings in NORMAL and VISUAL mode
opleader = {
---Line-comment keymap
line = 'gc',
---Block-comment keymap
block = 'gb',
---LHS of extra mappings
extra = {
---Add comment on the line above
above = 'gcO',
---Add comment on the line below
below = 'gco',
---Add comment at the end of line
eol = 'gca',
---Enable keybindings
---NOTE: If given `false` then the plugin won't create any mappings
mappings = {
---Operator-pending mapping; `gcc` `gbc` `gc[count]{motion}` `gb[count]{motion}`
basic = true,
---Extra mapping; `gco`, `gcO`, `gcA`
extra = true,
---Extended mapping; `g>` `g<` `g>[count]{motion}` `g<[count]{motion}`
extended = false,
pre_hook = function(ctx)
-- Only calculate commentstring for tsx filetypes
if vim.bo.filetype == 'typescriptreact' then
local U = require 'Comment.utils'
-- Determine whether to use linewise or blockwise commentstring
local type = ctx.ctype == U.ctype.linewise and '__default' or '__multiline'
-- Determine the location where to calculate commentstring from
local location = nil
if ctx.ctype == U.ctype.blockwise then
location = require('ts_context_commentstring.utils').get_cursor_location()
elseif ctx.cmotion == U.cmotion.v or ctx.cmotion == U.cmotion.V then
location = require('ts_context_commentstring.utils')
return require('ts_context_commentstring.internal').calculate_commentstring {
key = type,
location = location,