81 lines
3.1 KiB
81 lines
3.1 KiB
return {
event = 'VeryLazy',
config = function()
local wk = require 'which-key'
wk.setup {
plugins = {
marks = true, -- shows a list of your marks on ' and `
registers = true, -- shows your registers on " in NORMAL or <C-r> in INSERT mode
-- the presets plugin, adds help for a bunch of default keybindings in Neovim
-- No actual key bindings are created
presets = {
operators = true, -- adds help for operators like d, y, ...
motions = true, -- adds help for motions
text_objects = false, -- help for text objects triggered after entering an operator
windows = true, -- default bindings on <c-w>
nav = true, -- misc bindings to work with windows
z = true, -- bindings for folds, spelling and others prefixed with z
g = true, -- bindings for prefixed with g
icons = {
breadcrumb = '»', -- symbol used in the command line area that shows your active key combo
separator = '➜ ', -- symbol used between a key and it's label
group = '+', -- symbol prepended to a group
window = {
border = 'none', -- none, single, double, shadow
position = 'bottom', -- bottom, top
margin = { 1, 0, 1, 0 }, -- extra window margin [top, right, bottom, left]
padding = { 1, 1, 1, 1 }, -- extra window padding [top, right, bottom, left]
layout = {
height = { min = 4, max = 25 }, -- min and max height of the columns
width = { min = 20, max = 50 }, -- min and max width of the columns
spacing = 3, -- spacing between columns
hidden = { '<silent>', '<cmd>', '<Cmd>', '<CR>', 'call', 'lua', '^:', '^ ' }, -- hide mapping boilerplate
show_help = true, -- show help message on the command line when the popup is visible
local opts = {
mode = 'n', -- NORMAL mode
prefix = '<leader>',
buffer = nil, -- Global mappings. Specify a buffer number for buffer local mappings
silent = true, -- use `silent` when creating keymaps
noremap = true, -- use `noremap` when creating keymaps
nowait = false, -- use `nowait` when creating keymaps
local mappings = {
['o'] = { '<cmd>e ~/.config/nvim/ <cr>', 'Neovim config' },
['rr'] = 'Search and replace all',
['rs'] = 'Search and replace',
['q'] = { '<cmd>lua UnMapDHM()<cr>', 'qwerty' },
['c'] = { '<cmd>lua MapDHM()<cr>', 'colemak' },
[';'] = { '<cmd>bd<cr>', 'Delete buffer' },
['<TAB>'] = {
name = 'Tab',
n = { '<cmd>tabnew<cr>', 'New' },
p = { '<cmd>tabp<cr>', 'Previous' },
d = { '<cmd>tabclose<cr>', 'Close' },
['<TAB>'] = { '<cmd>tabnext<cr>', 'Next' },
['1'] = { '1gt', 'Go to tab 1' },
['2'] = { '2gt', 'Go to tab 2' },
['3'] = { '3gt', 'Go to tab 3' },
['4'] = { '4gt', 'Go to tab 4' },
['5'] = { '5gt', 'Go to tab 5' },
['6'] = { '6gt', 'Go to tab 6' },
['7'] = { '7gt', 'Go to tab 7' },
['8'] = { '8gt', 'Go to tab 8' },
['9'] = { '9gt', 'Go to tab 9' },
w = {
name = 'Window',
v = { '<C-w>v', 'Vertical split' },
h = { '<C-w>s', 'Horizontal split' },
wk.register(mappings, opts)