local M = { 'TimUntersberger/neogit', cmd = 'Neogit', } function M.config() require('neogit').setup { disable_signs = false, disable_hint = false, disable_context_highlighting = false, disable_commit_confirmation = false, -- Neogit refreshes its internal state after specific events, which can be expensive depending on the repository size. -- Disabling `auto_refresh` will make it so you have to manually refresh the status after you open it. auto_refresh = true, disable_builtin_notifications = false, use_magit_keybindings = false, -- Change the default way of opening neogit kind = 'tab', -- The time after which an output console is shown for slow running commands console_timeout = 2000, -- Automatically show console if a command takes more than console_timeout milliseconds auto_show_console = true, -- Change the default way of opening the commit popup commit_popup = { kind = 'split', }, -- Change the default way of opening popups popup = { kind = 'split', }, -- customize displayed signs signs = { -- { CLOSED, OPENED } section = { '>', 'v' }, item = { '>', 'v' }, hunk = { '', '' }, }, integrations = { -- Neogit only provides inline diffs. If you want a more traditional way to look at diffs, you can use `sindrets/diffview.nvim`. -- The diffview integration enables the diff popup, which is a wrapper around `sindrets/diffview.nvim`. -- -- Requires you to have `sindrets/diffview.nvim` installed. -- use { -- 'TimUntersberger/neogit', -- requires = { -- 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim', -- 'sindrets/diffview.nvim' -- } -- } -- diffview = false, }, -- Setting any section to `false` will make the section not render at all sections = { untracked = { folded = false, }, unstaged = { folded = false, }, staged = { folded = false, }, stashes = { folded = true, }, unpulled = { folded = true, }, unmerged = { folded = false, }, recent = { folded = true, }, }, -- override/add mappings mappings = { -- modify status buffer mappings status = { -- Adds a mapping with "B" as key that does the "BranchPopup" command ['B'] = 'BranchPopup', -- Removes the default mapping of "s" -- ['s'] = '', }, }, } end return M