local M = { url = 'ssh://git.vpatuta.xyz/neogruber.nvim', lazy = false, } function M.config() require('neogruber').setup { borders = true, -- Split window borders fade_nc = true, -- Fade non-current windows, making them more distinguishable -- Style that is applied to various groups: see `highlight-args` for options styles = { comments = 'italic', strings = 'NONE', keywords = 'NONE', functions = 'NONE', variables = 'NONE', diagnostics = 'underline', storage_class = 'italic', structure = 'NONE', loop_cond = 'bold', builtin = 'NONE', }, disable = { background = true, -- Disable setting the background color cursorline = false, -- Disable the cursorline eob_lines = true, -- Hide the end-of-buffer lines }, -- Inverse highlight for different groups inverse = { match_paren = true, }, custom_highlights = {}, -- Overwrite default highlight groups custom_colors = {}, -- Overwrite default colors } end return M