return { { 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig', event = { 'BufReadPre', 'BufNewFile' }, dependencies = { { 'williamboman/mason.nvim' }, { 'williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim' }, { 'hrsh7th/cmp-nvim-lsp' }, { 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap' }, { 'simrat39/rust-tools.nvim' }, { 'j-hui/fidget.nvim', opts = { }, }, }, config = function() require('plugins.lsp.ui').setup() vim.diagnostic.config { underline = true, update_in_insert = true, signs = false, virtual_text = { source = 'if_many', prefix = '●', spacing = 5, -- this will set set the prefix to a function that returns the diagnostics icon based on the severity -- this only works on a recent 0.10.0 build. Will be set to "●" when not supported -- prefix = "icons", }, float = { focusable = true, -- style = 'minimal', border = 'rounded', source = 'always', header = '', prefix = '', }, severity_sort = true, } end, }, { 'williamboman/mason.nvim', cmd = 'Mason', opts = { settings = { ui = { border = 'rounded', icons = { package_installed = '◍', package_pending = '◍', package_uninstalled = '◍', }, }, -- log_level = vim.log.levels.INFO, max_concurrent_installers = 4, }, }, }, { 'jay-babu/mason-nvim-dap.nvim', dependencies = 'nvim-neotest/nvim-nio', opts = { ensure_installed = { --[[ 'javatest', 'javadbg', ]] 'codelldb', }, handlers = { function(config) -- all sources with no handler get passed here -- Keep original functionality require('mason-nvim-dap').default_setup(config) end, -- python = function(config) -- config.adapters = { -- type = "executable", -- command = "/usr/bin/python3", -- args = { -- "-m", -- "debugpy.adapter", -- }, -- } -- require('mason-nvim-dap').default_setup(config) -- don't forget this! -- end, }, }, }, { 'williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim', dependencies = { 'jay-babu/mason-nvim-dap.nvim', 'rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui', 'Issafalcon/lsp-overloads.nvim' }, config = function() require('mason').setup() local cmp_nvim_lsp = require 'cmp_nvim_lsp' local capabilities = cmp_nvim_lsp.default_capabilities() local lspconfig = require 'lspconfig' capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem = { documentationFormat = { 'markdown', 'plaintext' }, snippetSupport = true, preselectSupport = true, insertReplaceSupport = true, labelDetailsSupport = true, deprecatedSupport = true, commitCharactersSupport = true, tagSupport = { valueSet = { 1 } }, resolveSupport = { properties = { 'documentation', 'detail', 'additionalTextEdits', }, }, } local function on_attach(client, bufnr) require('plugins.lsp.keymaps').on_attach(bufnr) require('plugins.lsp.ui').on_attach(client, bufnr) -- [[ vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, 'omnifunc', 'v:lua.vim.lsp.omnifunc') ]] if client.server_capabilities.signatureHelpProvider then require('lsp-overloads').setup(client, { ui = { max_width = 60, max_height = 8, floating_window_above_cur_line = true, }, display_automatically = true, -- Uses trigger characters to automatically display the signature overloads when typing a method signature }) end if == 'jdtls' or == '' then -- client.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider = false vim.lsp.codelens.refresh() if JAVA_DAP_ACTIVE then require('jdtls').setup_dap { hotcodereplace = 'auto' } require('jdtls.setup').add_commands() require('jdtls.dap').setup_dap_main_class_configs() end end -- -- .. " " .. (enable and "yes" or "no"), "format") client.server_capabilities.documentFormattingProvider = true client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider = nil end require('mason-lspconfig').setup_handlers { function(server_name) -- default handler (optional) lspconfig[server_name].setup { on_attach = on_attach, capabilities = vim.deepcopy(capabilities), } end, ['clangd'] = function() local clangd_flags = { '-j=5', '--all-scopes-completion', '--suggest-missing-includes', '--background-index', '--pch-storage=disk', '--cross-file-rename', '--log=info', '--completion-style=detailed', '--enable-config', -- clangd 11+ supports reading from .clangd configuration file '--clang-tidy', -- "--clang-tidy-checks=-*,llvm-*,clang-analyzer-*,modernize-*,-modernize-use-trailing-return-type", -- "--fallback-style=Google", -- "--header-insertion=never", -- "--query-driver=" } lspconfig.clangd.setup { on_attach = on_attach, capabilities = capabilities, arg = { unpack(clangd_flags), }, } end, ['html'] = function() lspconfig.html.setup { on_attach = on_attach, capabilities = capabilities, filetypes = { 'html', 'jsp' }, } end, ['lua_ls'] = function() lspconfig.lua_ls.setup { on_attach = on_attach, capabilities = capabilities, flags = { debounce_text_changes = 150, }, settings = { Lua = { diagnostics = { globals = { 'vim' }, }, -- workspace = { -- library = { -- [vim.fn.expand '$VIMRUNTIME/lua'] = true, -- [vim.fn.stdpath 'config' .. '/lua'] = true, -- }, -- }, telemetry = { enable = false, }, }, }, } end, ['jdtls'] = function() end, ['rust_analyzer'] = function() local rt = require 'rust-tools' rt.setup { server = { on_attach = function(client, bufnr) require('plugins.lsp.keymaps').on_attach(bufnr) require('plugins.lsp.ui').on_attach(client, bufnr) client.server_capabilities.semanticTokensProvider = nil if client.server_capabilities.signatureHelpProvider then require('lsp-overloads').setup(client, { ui = { max_width = 60, max_height = 8, floating_window_above_cur_line = true, }, display_automatically = true, -- Uses trigger characters to automatically display the signature overloads when typing a method signature }) end -- Hover actions vim.keymap.set('n', '', rt.hover_actions.hover_actions, { buffer = bufnr }) -- Code action groups vim.keymap.set( 'n', 'a', rt.code_action_group.code_action_group, { buffer = bufnr } ) end, settings = { ['rust-analyzer'] = { cargo = { features = 'all' }, check = { allTargets = true }, }, procMacro = { enable = true, }, }, }, -- debugging stuff dap = { adapter = { type = 'executable', command = 'lldb-vscode', name = 'rt_lldb', }, }, } end, } end, }, }