return { { 'echasnovski/mini.diff', version = false, event = "VeryLazy", opts = { -- Options for how hunks are visualized view = { -- Visualization style. Possible values are 'sign' and 'number'. -- Default: 'number' if line numbers are enabled, 'sign' otherwise. style = 'sign', -- Signs used for hunks with 'sign' view signs = { add = '▒', change = '▒', delete = '▒' }, -- Priority of used visualization extmarks priority = 199, }, -- Source for how reference text is computed/updated/etc -- Uses content from Git index by default source = nil, -- Delays (in ms) defining asynchronous processes delay = { -- How much to wait before update following every text change text_change = 200, }, -- Module mappings. Use `''` (empty string) to disable one. mappings = { -- Apply hunks inside a visual/operator region apply = 'gh', -- Reset hunks inside a visual/operator region reset = 'gH', -- Hunk range textobject to be used inside operator textobject = 'gh', -- Go to hunk range in corresponding direction goto_first = '[H', goto_prev = '[h', goto_next = ']h', goto_last = ']H', }, -- Various options options = { -- Diff algorithm. See `:h vim.diff()`. algorithm = 'histogram', -- Whether to use "indent heuristic". See `:h vim.diff()`. indent_heuristic = true, -- The amount of second-stage diff to align lines (in Neovim>=0.9) linematch = 60, -- Whether to wrap around edges during hunk navigation wrap_goto = false, }, } }, { 'nvim-telescope/telescope.nvim', dependencies = { { 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim' }, { 'nvim-telescope/telescope-fzf-native.nvim', build = 'make' }, { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' }, }, cmd = 'Telescope', keys = function() local telescope = require('utils').telescope return { { 'ff', telescope 'find_files', desc = 'files' }, { 'fg', telescope 'git_files', desc = 'git files' }, { 'fr', telescope 'live_grep', desc = 'grep' }, { 'fb', telescope 'buffers', desc = 'buffers' }, { 'fc', telescope 'colorscheme', desc = 'colorscheme' }, { 'fh', telescope 'oldfiles', desc = 'history' }, } end, config = function() local telescope = require 'telescope' telescope.setup { defaults = { mappings = { i = { [""] = require('telescope.actions').close } }, } } telescope.load_extension 'fzf' end, }, { 'f-person/git-blame.nvim', dependencies = {}, keys = { { 'bt', 'GitBlameToggle', desc = 'Blame toggle' }, { 'bo', 'GitBlameOpenCommitURL', desc = 'Open in browser' }, { 'bc', 'GitBlameCopySHA', desc = 'Copy SHA1' }, }, config = function() require('gitblame').setup { enabled = false, message_template = ' ', } end, }, }