return { 'okuuva/auto-save.nvim', cmd = 'ASToggle', opts = { enabled = false, -- start auto-save when the plugin is loaded (i.e. when your package manager loads it) execution_message = { enabled = true, message = function() -- message to print on save return ("AutoSave: saved at " .. vim.fn.strftime("%H:%M:%S")) end, dim = 0.18, -- dim the color of `message` cleaning_interval = 1250, -- (milliseconds) automatically clean MsgArea after displaying `message`. See :h MsgArea }, trigger_events = { -- See :h events immediate_save = { "BufLeave", "FocusLost" }, -- vim events that trigger an immediate save defer_save = { "InsertLeave", "TextChanged" }, -- vim events that trigger a deferred save (saves after `debounce_delay`) cancel_defered_save = { "InsertEnter" }, -- vim events that cancel a pending deferred save }, -- function that takes the buffer handle and determines whether to save the current buffer or not -- return true: if buffer is ok to be saved -- return false: if it's not ok to be saved -- if set to `nil` then no specific condition is applied condition = nil, write_all_buffers = false, -- write all buffers when the current one meets `condition` noautocmd = false, -- do not execute autocmds when saving debounce_delay = 100, -- delay after which a pending save is executed -- log debug messages to 'auto-save.log' file in neovim cache directory, set to `true` to enable debug = false, } }