local l = false return { { -- url = 'https://git.filnar.com/fiplox/neogruber.git', dir = '~/dev/home/neogruber.nvim/', lazy = false, opts = { transparent = true, light = l, } -- event = 'VeryLazy' }, -- { -- "Mofiqul/adwaita.nvim", -- lazy = false, -- priority = 1000, -- -- configure and set on startup -- config = function() -- vim.g.adwaita_darker = false -- for darker version -- vim.g.adwaita_disable_cursorline = false -- to disable cursorline -- vim.g.adwaita_transparent = true -- makes the background transparent -- -- vim.cmd('colorscheme adwaita') -- end -- }, { 'freddiehaddad/feline.nvim', dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', }, config = function() local feline = require 'feline' local utils = require 'config.utils' local c = utils.feline_c local theme if l then theme = utils.feline_theme_light else theme = utils.feline_theme_dark end local vi_mode_colors = utils.feline_vi_mode_colors local left = { c.vim_mode, -- c.gitBranch, -- c.gitDiffAdded, -- c.gitDiffRemoved, -- c.gitDiffChanged, c.file_info, c.right_separator, c.lsp_client_names, c.diagnostic_errors, c.diagnostic_warnings, c.diagnostic_info, c.diagnostic_hints, } -- local middle = { -- c.separator, -- } local right = { c.file_type, c.search_count, c.macro, c.file_encoding, -- c.startup, c.line_percentage, c.select_count, c.position, } local components = { active = { left, -- middle, right, }, inactive = { left, -- middle, right, }, } feline.setup { components = components, theme = theme, vi_mode_colors = vi_mode_colors, } end, }, -- { -- 'nvim-lualine/lualine.nvim', -- dependencies = { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons', 'nvim-lua/lsp-status.nvim' }, -- opts = { -- options = { -- theme = "adwaita" -- }, -- sections = { -- lualine_a = { 'mode' }, -- lualine_b = { 'branch', 'diff', 'diagnostics' }, -- lualine_c = { 'filename', "require'lsp-status'.status()" }, -- lualine_x = { 'encoding', 'fileformat', 'filetype' }, -- lualine_y = { 'progress' }, -- lualine_z = { 'location' } -- }, -- inactive_sections = { -- lualine_a = {}, -- lualine_b = {}, -- lualine_c = { 'filename', "require'lsp-status'.status()" }, -- lualine_x = { 'location' }, -- lualine_y = {}, -- lualine_z = {} -- }, -- tabline = {}, -- winbar = {}, -- inactive_winbar = {}, -- extensions = {} -- }, -- }, -- { -- 'nvimdev/dashboard-nvim', -- event = 'VimEnter', -- opts = { -- -- theme = 'doom', -- theme = 'hyper', -- shortcut_type = 'number', -- config = { -- shortcut = { -- -- action can be a function type -- { -- desc = "Files", -- group = '', -- key = 'f', -- action = 'edit .' -- }, -- }, -- packages = { enable = false }, -- show how many plugins neovim loaded -- -- limit how many projects list, action when you press key or enter it will run this action. -- -- action can be a functino type, e.g. -- -- action = func(path) vim.cmd('Telescope find_files cwd=' .. path) end -- project = { -- enable = true, -- limit = 8, -- -- icon = ' ', -- label = '', -- action = 'edit' -- }, -- mru = { -- limit = 10, -- -- icon = 'your icon', -- label = '', -- }, -- footer = {}, -- footer -- } -- }, -- dependencies = { { 'nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons' } } -- }, }