local M = { 'jay-babu/mason-nvim-dap.nvim', dependencies = { 'williamboman/mason.nvim', 'mfussenegger/nvim-dap', }, cmd = { 'DapInstall', 'DapUninstall' }, } function M.config() local dap = require 'dap' require('mason-nvim-dap').setup { automatic_setup = true, } require('mason-nvim-dap').setup_handlers { function(source_name) -- all sources with no handler get passed here -- Keep original functionality of `automatic_setup = true` require 'mason-nvim-dap.automatic_setup'(source_name) end, elixir = function(source_name) dap.adapters.mix_task = { type = 'executable', command = '/home/user/.local/share/nvim/mason/packages/elixir-ls/debugger.sh', -- debugger.bat for windows args = {}, } dap.configurations.elixir = { { type = 'mix_task', name = 'mix test', task = 'test', taskArgs = { '--trace' }, request = 'launch', startApps = true, -- for Phoenix projects projectDir = '${workspaceFolder}', requireFiles = { 'test/**/test_helper.exs', 'test/**/*_test.exs', }, }, } end, } end return M