return { 'stevearc/oil.nvim', -- lazy = false, event = 'VeryLazy', keys = { { '.', 'Oil', desc = 'oil' }, }, opts = { delete_to_trash = true, columns = { 'mtime', 'size', 'permissions', 'icon', }, -- Buffer-local options to use for oil buffers buf_options = { buflisted = false, }, -- Window-local options to use for oil buffers win_options = { wrap = false, signcolumn = 'no', cursorcolumn = false, foldcolumn = '0', spell = false, list = false, conceallevel = 3, concealcursor = 'nvic', }, keymaps = { ['g?'] = 'actions.show_help', -- [''] = '', [''] = function() require('oil').select(nil, function(err) if not err then local curdir = require('oil').get_current_dir() if curdir then vim.cmd.lcd(curdir) end end end) end, [''] = 'actions.select_vsplit', [''] = 'actions.select_split', [''] = 'actions.preview', [''] = 'actions.preview', [''] = 'actions.close', ['q'] = 'actions.close', [''] = 'actions.refresh', ['-'] = 'actions.parent', -- ['l'] = 'actions.parent', ['l'] = function() require('oil.actions').parent.callback() vim.cmd.lcd(require('oil').get_current_dir()) end, ['_'] = 'actions.open_cwd', ['`'] = '', ['~'] = 'actions.tcd', ['g.'] = 'actions.toggle_hidden', ['gh'] = function() require('oil').open '~/' vim.cmd.lcd(require('oil').get_current_dir()) end, }, }, }