feat: replace hop with flash

This commit is contained in:
fiplox 2023-06-21 22:18:24 +02:00
parent 3f520e222a
commit ff9bf47099

View File

@ -12,9 +12,27 @@ return {
-- event = 'VeryLazy' -- event = 'VeryLazy'
}, },
{ {
'phaazon/hop.nvim', -- event = 'BufRead', 'folke/flash.nvim',
keys = { { 's', ':HopChar2<cr>' }, { 'S', ':HopWord<cr>' } }, -- event = 'VeryLazy',
config = true, ---@type Flash.Config
opts = {},
keys = {
mode = { 'n', 'x', 'o' },
-- default options: exact mode, multi window, all directions, with a backdrop
mode = { 'o', 'x' },
}, },
{ {
'numToStr/Comment.nvim', 'numToStr/Comment.nvim',
@ -197,42 +215,17 @@ return {
}, },
{ {
'stevearc/oil.nvim', 'stevearc/oil.nvim',
lazy = false, -- lazy = false,
-- event = 'Syntax', event = 'Syntax',
opts = { opts = {
-- Id is automatically added at the beginning, and name at the end
-- See :help oil-columns
columns = {
-- "permissions",
-- "size",
-- "mtime",
-- Buffer-local options to use for oil buffers -- Buffer-local options to use for oil buffers
buf_options = { buf_options = {
buflisted = false, buflisted = false,
}, },
-- Window-local options to use for oil buffers -- Window-local options to use for oil buffers
win_options = { win_options = {
wrap = false,
signcolumn = 'no',
cursorcolumn = false,
foldcolumn = '0',
spell = false,
list = false,
conceallevel = 3,
concealcursor = 'nvic', concealcursor = 'nvic',
}, },
-- Restore window options to previous values when leaving an oil buffer
restore_win_options = true,
-- Skip the confirmation popup for simple operations
skip_confirm_for_simple_edits = false,
-- Keymaps in oil buffer. Can be any value that `vim.keymap.set` accepts OR a table of keymap
-- options with a `callback` (e.g. { callback = function() ... end, desc = "", nowait = true })
-- Additionally, if it is a string that matches "actions.<name>",
-- it will use the mapping at require("oil.actions").<name>
-- Set to `false` to remove a keymap
-- See :help oil-actions for a list of all available actions
keymaps = { keymaps = {
['g?'] = 'actions.show_help', ['g?'] = 'actions.show_help',
['<CR>'] = 'actions.select', ['<CR>'] = 'actions.select',
@ -250,23 +243,6 @@ return {
['~'] = 'actions.tcd', ['~'] = 'actions.tcd',
['g.'] = 'actions.toggle_hidden', ['g.'] = 'actions.toggle_hidden',
}, },
-- Set to false to disable all of the above keymaps
use_default_keymaps = true,
view_options = {
-- Show files and directories that start with "."
show_hidden = false,
-- Configuration for the floating window in oil.open_float
float = {
-- Padding around the floating window
padding = 2,
max_width = 0,
max_height = 0,
border = 'rounded',
win_options = {
winblend = 10,
}, },
}, },
{ {
@ -343,8 +319,6 @@ return {
'j-morano/buffer_manager.nvim', 'j-morano/buffer_manager.nvim',
opts = { opts = {
-- line_keys = '', -- deactivate line keybindings -- line_keys = '', -- deactivate line keybindings
short_file_names = false,
short_term_names = false,
select_menu_item_commands = { select_menu_item_commands = {
edit = { edit = {
key = '<CR>', key = '<CR>',