feat: use mouse in normal, c syntax for h, disable smartindent

This commit is contained in:
fiplox 2023-03-21 07:15:59 +01:00
parent 4fd01909c7
commit 35e7242038
1 changed files with 3 additions and 2 deletions

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ g.netrw_banner = 0
g.netrw_list_hide = '^\\..*' g.netrw_list_hide = '^\\..*'
g.mapleader = ' ' g.mapleader = ' '
g.tex_flavor = 'latex' g.tex_flavor = 'latex'
g.c_syntax_for_h = true
-- }}} -- }}}
-- Opts {{{ -- Opts {{{
-- opt.formatoptions = "" -- opt.formatoptions = ""
@ -21,7 +22,7 @@ opt.wildoptions = 'tagfile'
opt.termguicolors = true opt.termguicolors = true
opt.guifont = 'JetBrainsMono Nerd Font' opt.guifont = 'JetBrainsMono Nerd Font'
opt.guicursor = 'n-v-c-sm:hor20,i-ci-ve:ver20,r-cr-o:Block' opt.guicursor = 'n-v-c-sm:hor20,i-ci-ve:ver20,r-cr-o:Block'
opt.mouse = 'v' opt.mouse = 'nv'
opt.path = '.,,**h' opt.path = '.,,**h'
opt.pumheight = 10 opt.pumheight = 10
opt.fileencoding = 'utf-8' opt.fileencoding = 'utf-8'
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ opt.splitbelow = true
opt.splitright = true opt.splitright = true
-- opt.ts = 4 -- opt.ts = 4
-- opt.sw = 4 -- opt.sw = 4
opt.smartindent = true opt.smartindent = false
--opt.expandtab " Converts tabs to spaces --opt.expandtab " Converts tabs to spaces
opt.showmode = false opt.showmode = false
opt.undofile = true opt.undofile = true