feat!: rework plugin, ~10x load time reduce
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,12 +1 @@
-- Refresh cache for local debugging and development purposes
if vim.g.neogruber_debug == true then
package.loaded['neogruber'] = nil
package.loaded['neogruber.util'] = nil
package.loaded['neogruber.colors'] = nil
package.loaded['neogruber.colors.neogruber'] = nil
package.loaded['neogruber.theme'] = nil
local neogruber = require 'neogruber'
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
local colors = require 'neogruber.colors.neogruber'
local function load()
local theme = require('neogruber.config').options.theme
-- if style is set, it takes priority
-- otherwise, use vim.o.background
if not theme then
theme = vim.o.background
local base_colors = colors
return vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', base_colors, require('neogruber.config').options.custom_colors)
return { load = load }
@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
local colors = {
fg_1 = '#d4dfdf',
fg = '#e4e4ef',
fg1 = '#f4f4ff',
fg2 = '#f5f5f5',
white = '#ffffff',
black = '#000000',
bg_1 = '#101010',
bg = '#181818',
bg1 = '#282828',
bg2 = '#453d41',
bg3 = '#484848',
bg4 = '#52494e',
bg5 = '#9998a8',
bg6 = '#c1c0d4',
red_1 = '#c73c3f',
red = '#f43841',
red1 = '#ff4f58',
green = '#73c936',
green1 = '#73da00',
yellow = '#ffdd11',
brown = '#cc8c3c',
quartz = '#95a99f',
niagara_2 = '#303540',
niagara_1 = '#565f73',
niagara = '#96a6c8',
wisteria = '#9e95c7',
wisteria1 = '#9f90f9',
light_blue = '#0087d7',
-- Special
none = 'NONE',
return colors
@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
local config = {}
local defaults = {
theme = nil, -- "dark" or "light". Alternatively, remove the option and set vim.o.background instead
borders = true, -- Split window borders
fade_nc = false, -- Fade non-current windows, making them more distinguishable
-- Style that is applied to various groups: see `highlight-args` for options
styles = {
comments = 'NONE',
strings = 'NONE',
keywords = 'NONE',
functions = 'NONE',
variables = 'NONE',
diagnostics = 'underline',
storage_class = 'NONE',
structure = 'NONE',
loop_cond = 'NONE',
builtin = 'NONE',
disable = {
background = false, -- Disable setting the background color
cursorline = false, -- Disable the cursorline
eob_lines = true, -- Hide the end-of-buffer lines
-- Inverse highlight for different groups
inverse = {
match_paren = false,
custom_highlights = {}, -- Overwrite default highlight groups
custom_colors = {}, -- Overwrite default colors
config.options = {}
function config.set_options(opts)
config.options = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', config.options, opts or {})
return config
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,534 @@
local M = {}
M.setup = function()
local config = require('neogruber').config
local c = require 'neogruber.palette'
local groups = {
-- int, long, char, etc.
Type = { fg = c.yellow },
-- static, register, volatile, etc.
StorageClass = { fg = c.yellow, bold = config.bold },
-- struct, union, enum, etc.
Structure = { fg = c.yellow },
-- any constant
Constant = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
-- any character constant: 'c', '\n'
Character = { fg = c.green },
-- a number constant: 5
Number = { fg = c.quartz },
-- a boolean constant: TRUE, false
Boolean = { fg = c.quartz },
-- a floating point constant: 2.3e10
Float = { fg = c.quartz },
-- any statement
Statement = { fg = c.yellow },
-- case, default, etc.
Label = { fg = c.yellow },
-- sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
Operator = { fg = c.yellow },
-- try, catch, throw
Exception = { fg = c.yellow },
-- generic Preprocessor
PreProc = { fg = c.quartz },
-- preprocessor #include
Include = { fg = c.quartz },
-- preprocessor #define
Define = { fg = c.quartz },
-- same as Define
Macro = { fg = c.quartz },
-- A typedef
Typedef = { fg = c.yellow, bold = config.bold },
-- preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
PreCondit = { fg = c.quartz },
-- any special symbol
Special = { fg = c.niagara },
-- special character in a constant
SpecialChar = { fg = c.niagara },
-- you can use CTRL-] on this
Tag = { fg = c.brown },
-- character that needs attention like , or .
Delimiter = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- special things inside a comment
SpecialComment = { fg = c.brown },
-- debugging statements
Debug = { fg = c.brown },
-- text that stands out, HTML links
Underlined = { underline = config.underline },
-- left blank, hidden
Ignore = {},
-- any erroneous construct
Error = { fg = c.red, bold = config.bold, underline = config.underline },
-- anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
Todo = { fg = c.brown, bold = config.bold, italic = config.italic },
Comment = { fg = c.bg3, italic = config.italic }, -- normal comments
-- normal if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
Conditional = { fg = c.yellow, bold = config.bold },
-- normal for, do, while, etc.
Keyword = { fg = c.yellow, bold = config.bold },
-- normal any other keyword
Repeat = { fg = c.yellow, bold = config.bold },
-- normal function names
Function = { fg = c.niagara },
zshFunction = { fg = c.niagara },
-- any variable name
Identifier = { fg = c.bg6 },
-- any string
String = { fg = c.green },
htmlLink = { fg = c.green, underline = config.underline },
htmlArg = { fg = c.light_blue },
htmlTag = { fg = c.bg6 },
htmlEndTag = { fg = c.bg6 },
htmlTagN = { fg = c.bg5 },
htmlTagName = { fg = c.light_blue },
htmlSpecialTagName = { fg = c.yellow },
htmlH1 = { fg = c.light_blue, bold = config.bold },
htmlH2 = { fg = c.wisteria1, bold = config.bold },
htmlH3 = { fg = c.niagara, bold = config.bold },
htmlH4 = { fg = c.wisteria, bold = config.bold },
htmlH5 = { fg = c.quartz, bold = config.bold },
cssAttributeSelector = { fg = c.light_blue },
cssSelectorOp = { fg = c.niagara1 },
cssTagName = { fg = c.yellow },
markdownBlockquote = { fg = c.bg6 },
markdownBold = { bold = config.bold },
markdownCode = { fg = c.yellow },
markdownCodeBlock = { fg = c.yellow },
markdownCodeDelimiter = { fg = c.green },
markdownH1 = { fg = c.light_blue, bold = config.bold },
markdownH2 = { fg = c.wisteria1, bold = config.bold },
markdownH3 = { fg = c.niagara, bold = config.bold },
markdownH4 = { fg = c.wisteria, bold = config.bold },
markdownH5 = { fg = c.quartz, bold = config.bold },
markdownH6 = { fg = c.green, bold = config.bold },
markdownH1Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownH2Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownH3Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownH4Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownH5Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownH6Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownId = { fg = c.yellow },
markdownIdDeclaration = { fg = c.niagara },
markdownIdDelimiter = { fg = c.light_blue },
markdownLinkDelimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownItalic = { italic = config.italic },
markdownLinkText = { fg = c.niagara },
markdownListMarker = { fg = c.red_1 },
markdownOrderedListMarker = { fg = c.red },
markdownRule = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownUrl = { fg = c.green, underline = config.underline },
-- normal text and background color for floating windows
NormalFloat = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg1 },
-- floating window border
FloatBorder = { fg = c.yellow },
-- used for the columns set with 'colorcolumn'
ColorColumn = { bg = c.bg2 },
-- placeholder characters substituted for concealed text (see 'conceallevel')
Conceal = {},
-- the character under the cursor
Cursor = { reverse = config.inverse },
vCursor = { link = 'Cursor' },
iCursor = { link = 'Cursor' },
lCursor = { link = 'Cursor' },
-- like Cursor, but used when in IME mode
CursorIM = { fg = c.none, bg = c.none },
-- directory names (and other special names in listings)
Directory = { fg = c.light_blue, bg = c.none },
-- diff mode: Added line
DiffAdd = { fg = c.green, bg = c.none },
-- diff mode: Changed line
DiffChange = { fg = c.brown, bg = c.none },
-- diff mode: Deleted line
DiffDelete = { fg = c.red_1, bg = c.none },
-- diff mode: Changed text within a changed line
DiffText = { fg = c.none, bg = c.none },
-- error messages
ErrorMsg = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- line used for closed folds
Folded = { fg = c.brown, bg = c.none, italic = config.italic },
-- 'foldcolumn'
FoldColumn = {},
-- 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c"
IncSearch = { fg = c.yellow, bg = c.bg3, bold = true, underline = config.underline },
CurSearch = { link = 'IncSearch' },
-- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is set.
LineNr = { fg = c.bg3 },
-- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line.
CursorLineNr = { fg = c.yellow },
-- The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
MatchParen = { fg = c.wisteria1, bg = c.none, bold = config.bold, underline = config.underline },
-- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT -- ")
ModeMsg = { fg = c.light_blue, bold = config.bold },
-- |more-prompt|
MoreMsg = { fg = c.light_blue, bold = config.bold },
-- '@' at the end of the window, characters from 'showbreak' and other characters that do not really exist
-- in the text (e.g., ">" displayed when a double-wide character doesn't fit at the end of the line).
-- See also |hl-EndOfBuffer|.
NonText = { fg = c.bg2 },
-- normal item |hl-Pmenu|
Pmenu = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg1 },
-- selected item |hl-PmenuSel|
PmenuSel = { bg = c.bg2 },
-- scrollbar |hl-PmenuSbar|
PmenuSbar = { bg = c.bg },
-- thumb of the scrollbar |hl-PmenuThumb|
PmenuThumb = { bg = c.fg },
-- |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
Question = { fg = c.green },
-- Current |quickfix| item in the quickfix window. Combined with |hl-CursorLine| when the cursor is there.
QuickFixLine = { bg = c.light_blue, bold = config.bold },
-- Line numbers for quickfix lists
qfLineNr = { fg = c.yellow },
-- Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). Also used for similar items that need to stand out.
Search = { fg = c.brown, bg = c.none, bold = config.bold },
-- Unprintable characters: text displayed differently from what it really is.
-- But not 'listchars' whitespace. |hl-Whitespace|
SpecialKey = { fg = c.bg6 },
-- Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellBad = { italic = config.italic, undercurl = config.undercurl },
-- Word that should start with a capital. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellCap = { fg = c.bg6 },
-- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region.
-- |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellLocal = { fg = c.brown },
-- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used.
-- |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellRare = { fg = c.brown },
-- status line of current window
StatusLine = { fg = c.white, bg = c.bg1 },
-- status lines of not-current windows Note: if this is equal to "StatusLine"
-- Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window.
StatusLineNC = { fg = c.bg5 },
-- status line of current terminal window
StatusLineTerm = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg1 },
-- status lines of not-current terminal windows Note: if this is equal to "StatusLine"
-- Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window.
StatusLineTermNC = { fg = c.bg5 },
-- tab pages line, where there are no labels
TabLineFill = {},
-- tab pages line, active tab page label
TablineSel = { fg = c.white },
Tabline = { fg = c.bg5 },
-- titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
Title = { fg = c.green, bg = c.none, bold = config.bold },
-- Visual mode selection
Visual = { fg = c.none, bg = c.bg1 },
-- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection".
VisualNOS = { link = 'Visual' },
-- warning messages
WarningMsg = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- "nbsp", "space", "tab" and "trail" in 'listchars'
Whitespace = { fg = c.bg3 },
-- current match in 'wildmenu' completion
WildMenu = { fg = c.black, bg = c.niagara, bold = config.bold },
-- window bar of current window
WinBar = { fg = c.white, bg = c.bg1 },
-- window bar of not-current windows
WinBarNC = { fg = c.bg6, bg = c.bg_1 },
-- Screen-column at the cursor, when 'cursorcolumn' is set.
CursorColumn = { link = 'CursorLine' },
-- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is set. Low-priority if foreground (ctermfg OR guifg) is not set.
CursorLine = { fg = c.none, bg = c.bg1 },
-- Normal mode message in the cmdline
NormalMode = { fg = c.light_blue, bg = c.none, reverse = config.inverse },
-- Insert mode message in the cmdline
InsertMode = { fg = c.green, bg = c.none, reverse = config.inverse },
-- Replace mode message in the cmdline
ReplacelMode = { fg = c.red, bg = c.none, reverse = config.inverse },
-- Visual mode message in the cmdline
VisualMode = { fg = c.wisteria1, bg = c.none, reverse = config.inverse },
-- Command mode message in the cmdline
CommandMode = { fg = c.yellow, bg = c.none, reverse = config.inverse },
Warnings = { fg = c.red1 },
healthError = { fg = c.red },
healthSuccess = { fg = c.green },
healthWarning = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- Dashboard
DashboardShortCut = { fg = c.light_blue },
DashboardHeader = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
DashboardCenter = { fg = c.niagara },
DashboardFooter = { fg = c.green, italic = config.italic },
-- normal text and background color
Normal = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg },
NormalNC = config.dim_inactive and { fg = c.fg_1, bg = c.bg_1 } or { link = 'Normal' },
SignColumn = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.none },
-- the column separating vertically split windows
VertSplit = { fg = c.bg },
EndOfBuffer = { fg = c.bg6 },
['@annotation'] = { link = 'Operator' },
['@comment'] = { link = 'Comment' },
['@none'] = { bg = 'NONE', fg = 'NONE' },
['@preproc'] = { link = 'PreProc' },
['@define'] = { link = 'Define' },
['@string'] = { link = 'String' },
['@string.special'] = { link = 'SpecialChar' },
['@character.special'] = { link = 'SpecialChar' },
['@method'] = { link = 'Function' },
['@method.call'] = { link = 'Function' },
['@keyword'] = { link = 'Keyword' },
['@keyword.function'] = { link = 'Keyword' },
['@keyword.operator'] = { fg = c.yellow },
['@keyword.return'] = { fg = c.yellow },
['@keyword.coroutine'] = { fg = c.yellow },
['@conditional'] = { link = 'Conditional' },
['@repeat'] = { link = 'Repeat' },
['@debug'] = { link = 'Debug' },
['@type'] = { link = 'Type' },
['@type.builtin'] = { fg = c.yellow, bold = config.bold },
['@type.qualifier'] = { fg = c.yellow, bold = config.bold },
['@type.definition'] = { link = 'Typedef' },
['@storageclass'] = { link = 'StorageClass' },
['@variable.builtin'] = { fg = c.wisteria },
['@variable'] = { fg = c.niagara1 },
['@text.title'] = { link = 'Title' },
['@text.uri'] = { link = 'Underlined' },
['@text.todo'] = { link = 'Todo' },
['@text.todo.unchecked'] = { link = 'Todo' },
['@text.todo.checked'] = { link = 'Done' },
['@text.note'] = { link = 'SpecialComment' },
['@text.warning'] = { link = 'WarningMsg' },
['@text.danger'] = { link = 'ErrorMsg' },
['@text.strong'] = { bold = config.bold },
['@text.emphasis'] = { italic = config.italic },
['@text.underline'] = { underline = config.underline },
['@note'] = { fg = c.yellow },
['@warning'] = { fg = c.red_1 },
['@danger'] = { fg = c.red1 },
['@parent'] = { fg = c.wisteria },
['@attribute'] = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
['@boolean'] = { fg = c.quartz },
['@character'] = { fg = c.green },
['@constant'] = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
['@constant.builtin'] = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
['@constant.macro'] = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
['@constructor'] = { fg = c.yellow },
['@error'] = { fg = c.red },
['@exception'] = { fg = c.yellow },
['@field'] = { fg = c.niagara },
['@float'] = { fg = c.quartz },
['@function'] = { link = 'Function' },
['@function.builtin'] = { fg = c.niagara1 },
['@function.macro'] = { fg = c.yellow },
['@include'] = { fg = c.quartz },
['@label'] = { fg = c.yellow },
['@namespace'] = { fg = c.niagara },
['@number'] = { fg = c.brown },
['@operator'] = { fg = c.niagara_1 },
['@parameter'] = { fg = c.wisteria }, -- TODO: see what it does
['@parameter.reference'] = { fg = c.wisteria },
['@property'] = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
['@punctuation.delimiter'] = { fg = c.niagara },
['@punctuation.bracket'] = { fg = c.niagara_1 },
['@punctuation.special'] = { fg = c.niagara },
['@string.regex'] = { fg = c.brown },
['@string.escape'] = { fg = c.brown },
['@symbol'] = { fg = c.light_blue },
['@tag'] = { fg = c.yellow },
['@tag.attribute'] = { fg = c.bg6 },
['@tag.delimiter'] = { fg = c.fg2 },
['@text'] = { fg = c.fg },
['@text.literal'] = { fg = c.green },
['@text.diff.add'] = { fg = c.green },
['@text.diff.delete'] = { fg = c.red_1 },
['@text.math'] = { fg = c.fg },
['@text.reference'] = { fg = c.brown },
['@text.environment'] = { fg = c.fg },
['@text.environment.name'] = { fg = c.fg },
-- used for "Error" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsDefaultError = { fg = c.red1 },
-- used for "Error" diagnostic signs in sign column
LspDiagnosticsSignError = { fg = c.red1 },
-- used for "Error" diagnostic messages in the diagnostics float
LspDiagnosticsFloatingError = { fg = c.red1 },
-- Virtual text "Error"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError = { fg = c.red1 },
-- used to underline "Error" diagnostics.
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError = {},
-- used for "Warning" diagnostic signs in sign column
LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- used for "Warning" diagnostic signs in sign column
LspDiagnosticsSignWarning = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- used for "Warning" diagnostic messages in the diagnostics float
LspDiagnosticsFloatingWarning = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- Virtual text "Warning"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- used to underline "Warning" diagnostics.
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning = {},
-- used for "Information" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation = { fg = c.yellow },
-- used for "Information" diagnostic signs in sign column
LspDiagnosticsSignInformation = { fg = c.yellow },
-- used for "Information" diagnostic messages in the diagnostics float
LspDiagnosticsFloatingInformation = { fg = c.yellow },
-- Virtual text "Information"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation = { fg = c.yellow },
-- used to underline "Information" diagnostics.
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation = {},
-- used for "Hint" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- used for "Hint" diagnostic signs in sign column
LspDiagnosticsSignHint = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- used for "Hint" diagnostic messages in the diagnostics float
LspDiagnosticsFloatingHint = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- Virtual text "Hint"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- used to underline "Hint" diagnostics.
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint = {},
-- used for highlighting "text" references
LspReferenceText = {},
-- used for highlighting "read" references
LspReferenceRead = {},
-- used for highlighting "write" references
LspReferenceWrite = {},
LspSignatureActiveParameter = { fg = c.none, bg = c.bg2 },
LspCodeLens = { fg = c.bg5 },
DiagnosticError = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsDefaultError' },
DiagnosticWarn = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning' },
DiagnosticInfo = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation' },
DiagnosticHint = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint' },
DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning' },
DiagnosticUnderlineWarn = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning' },
DiagnosticFloatingWarn = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsFloatingWarning' },
DiagnosticSignWarn = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsSignWarning' },
DiagnosticVirtualTextError = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError' },
DiagnosticUnderlineError = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError' },
DiagnosticFloatingError = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsFloatingError' },
DiagnosticSignError = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsSignError' },
DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation' },
DiagnosticUnderlineInfo = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation' },
DiagnosticFloatingInfo = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsFloatingInformation' },
DiagnosticSignInfo = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsSignInformation' },
DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint' },
DiagnosticUnderlineHint = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint' },
DiagnosticFloatingHint = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsFloatingHint' },
DiagnosticSignHint = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsSignHint' },
-- Cmp
CmpItemAbbr = { fg = c.fg },
CmpItemAbbrDeprecated = { fg = c.fg },
CmpItemAbbrMatch = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy = { fg = c.wisteria, underline = true },
CmpItemMenu = { fg = c.bg5 },
CmpItemKindText = { fg = c.brown },
CmpItemKindMethod = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindFunction = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindConstructor = { fg = c.yellow },
CmpItemKindField = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindClass = { fg = c.yellow },
CmpItemKindInterface = { fg = c.yellow },
CmpItemKindModule = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindProperty = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindValue = { fg = c.brown },
CmpItemKindEnum = { fg = c.yellow },
CmpItemKindKeyword = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
CmpItemKindSnippet = { fg = c.green },
CmpItemKindFile = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindEnumMember = { fg = c.light_blue },
CmpItemKindConstant = { fg = c.brown },
CmpItemKindStruct = { fg = c.yellow },
CmpItemKindTypeParameter = { fg = c.yellow },
-- Notify
NotifyERRORBorder = { fg = c.red1 },
NotifyWARNBorder = { fg = c.red_1 },
NotifyINFOBorder = { fg = c.yellow },
NotifyDEBUGBorder = { fg = c.bg5 },
NotifyTRACEBorder = { fg = c.wisteria },
NotifyERRORIcon = { fg = c.red1 },
NotifyWARNIcon = { fg = c.red_1 },
NotifyINFOIcon = { fg = c.yellow },
NotifyDEBUGIcon = { fg = c.bg5 },
NotifyTRACEIcon = { fg = c.wisteria },
NotifyERRORTitle = { fg = c.red1 },
NotifyWARNTitle = { fg = c.red_1 },
NotifyINFOTitle = { fg = c.yellow },
NotifyDEBUGTitle = { fg = c.bg5 },
NotifyTRACETitle = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- Trouble
TroubleCount = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
TroubleNormal = { fg = c.fg },
TroubleText = { fg = c.fg },
-- Diff
-- diffAdded = { fg = c.green, bg = c.bg1 },
-- diffRemoved = { fg = c.red_1, bg = c.bg1 },
-- diffChanged = { fg = c.yellow },
-- diffOldFile = { fg = c.brown },
-- diffNewFile = { fg = c.light_blue },
-- diffFile = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- diffLine = { fg = c.bg5 },
-- diffIndexLine = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
-- Neogit
NeogitBranch = { fg = c.yellow },
NeogitRemote = { fg = c.brown },
NeogitHunkHeader = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg1 },
NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = { fg = c.yellow, bg = c.bg1 },
NeogitDiffContextHighlight = { bg = c.none },
NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight = { fg = c.red_1, bg = c.none },
NeogitDiffDeleteRegion = { fg = c.red_1, bg = c.none },
NeogitDiffAddHighlight = { fg = c.green, bg = c.none },
NeogitDiffAddRegion = { fg = c.green, bg = c.none },
NeogitDiffDelete = { fg = c.red },
NeogitDiffAdd = { fg = c.green },
NeogitCommitViewHeader = { fg = c.quartz },
NeogitNotificationInfo = { fg = c.wisteria },
NeogitNotificationWarning = { fg = c.brown },
NeogitNotificationError = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- WhichKey
WhichKey = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
WhichKeyGroup = { fg = c.light_blue },
WhichKeyDesc = { fg = c.wisteria },
WhichKeySeperator = { fg = c.green },
WhichKeyFloat = { bg = c.bg1 },
-- nvim-treesitter-context
TreesitterContext = { fg = c.none, bg = c.bg1 },
-- Indent Blankline
IndentBlanklineChar = { fg = c.niagara_2 },
IndentBlanklineSpaceChar = { fg = c.bg5 },
IndentBlanklineSpaceCharBlankline = { fg = c.bg5 },
IndentBlanklineContextChar = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
IndentBlanklineContextStart = {},
-- Nvim dap
DapBreakpoint = { fg = c.red },
DapStopped = { fg = c.green },
-- Hop
HopNextKey = { fg = c.red1 },
HopNextKey1 = { fg = c.light_blue },
HopNextKey2 = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
HopUnmatched = { fg = c.bg5 },
--[[ for group, hl in pairs(config.overrides) do
if groups[group] then
-- "link" should not mix with other configs (:h hi-link)
groups[group].link = nil
groups[group] = vim.tbl_extend('force', groups[group] or {}, hl)
end ]]
return groups
return M
@ -1,22 +1,41 @@
-- Colorscheme name: neogruber.nvim
-- Description: A Neovim theme that combines the Nord and Atom One Dark color palettes.
-- Author: Ryan Mehri
-- Website: https://github.com/rmehri01/neogruber.nvim
local M = {}
local config = require 'neogruber.config'
local util = require 'neogruber.util'
-- default configs
M.config = {
undercurl = true,
underline = true,
bold = true,
italic = true,
inverse = true, -- invert background for search, diffs, statuslines and errors
-- overrides = {},
dim_inactive = false,
transparent = true,
local neogruber = {}
function neogruber.setup(options)
function M.setup(config)
M.config = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', M.config, config or {})
function neogruber.load(exec_autocmd)
local colors = require('neogruber.colors').load()
M.load = function()
if vim.version().minor < 8 then
vim.notify_once 'neogruber.nvim: you must use neovim 0.8 or higher'
util.load(colors, exec_autocmd)
-- reset colors
if vim.g.colors_name then
vim.cmd.hi 'clear'
vim.g.colors_name = 'neogruber'
vim.o.termguicolors = true
local groups = require('neogruber.groups').setup()
-- add highlights
for group, settings in pairs(groups) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, settings)
return neogruber
return M
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
return {
fg_1 = '#d4dfdf',
fg = '#e4e4ef',
fg1 = '#f4f4ff',
fg2 = '#f5f5f5',
white = '#ffffff',
black = '#000000',
bg_1 = '#101010',
bg = '#181818',
bg1 = '#282828',
bg2 = '#453d41',
bg3 = '#484848',
bg4 = '#52494e',
bg5 = '#9998a8',
bg6 = '#c1c0d4',
red_1 = '#c73c3f',
red = '#f43841',
red1 = '#ff4f58',
green = '#73c936',
green1 = '#73da00',
yellow = '#ffdd11',
brown = '#cc8c3c',
quartz = '#95a99f',
niagara_2 = '#303540',
niagara_1 = '#565f73',
niagara = '#96a6c8',
wisteria = '#9e95c7',
wisteria1 = '#9f90f9',
light_blue = '#0087d7',
-- Special
none = 'NONE',
@ -1,677 +0,0 @@
local theme = {}
function theme.highlights(c, config)
local function remove_background(group)
group['bg'] = c.none
local function load_syntax()
-- Syntax highlight groups
local syntax = {
-- int, long, char, etc.
Type = { fg = c.yellow },
-- static, register, volatile, etc.
StorageClass = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.storage_class },
-- struct, union, enum, etc.
Structure = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.structure },
-- any constant
Constant = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
-- any character constant: 'c', '\n'
Character = { fg = c.green },
-- a number constant: 5
Number = { fg = c.quartz },
-- a boolean constant: TRUE, false
Boolean = { fg = c.quartz },
-- a floating point constant: 2.3e10
Float = { fg = c.quartz },
-- any statement
Statement = { fg = c.yellow },
-- case, default, etc.
Label = { fg = c.yellow },
-- sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
Operator = { fg = c.yellow },
-- try, catch, throw
Exception = { fg = c.yellow },
-- generic Preprocessor
PreProc = { fg = c.quartz },
-- preprocessor #include
Include = { fg = c.quartz },
-- preprocessor #define
Define = { fg = c.quartz },
-- same as Define
Macro = { fg = c.quartz },
-- A typedef
Typedef = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.keywords },
-- preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
PreCondit = { fg = c.quartz },
-- any special symbol
Special = { fg = c.brown },
-- special character in a constant
SpecialChar = { fg = c.brown },
-- you can use CTRL-] on this
Tag = { fg = c.brown },
-- character that needs attention like , or .
Delimiter = { fg = c.brown },
-- special things inside a comment
SpecialComment = { fg = c.brown },
-- debugging statements
Debug = { fg = c.brown },
-- text that stands out, HTML links
Underlined = { style = 'underline' },
-- left blank, hidden
Ignore = {},
-- any erroneous construct
Error = { fg = c.red, style = 'bold,underline' },
-- anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
Todo = { fg = c.brown, style = 'bold,italic' },
Comment = { fg = c.bg3, style = config.styles.comments }, -- normal comments
-- normal if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
Conditional = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.loop_cond },
-- normal for, do, while, etc.
Keyword = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.keywords },
-- normal any other keyword
Repeat = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.loop_cond },
-- normal function names
Function = { fg = c.niagara, style = config.styles.functions },
-- any variable name
Identifier = { fg = c.niagara, style = config.styles.variables },
-- any string
String = { fg = c.green, config.styles.strings },
htmlLink = { fg = c.green, style = 'underline' },
htmlArg = { fg = c.light_blue },
htmlTag = { fg = c.bg6 },
htmlEndTag = { fg = c.bg6 },
htmlTagN = { fg = c.bg5 },
htmlTagName = { fg = c.light_blue },
htmlSpecialTagName = { fg = c.yellow },
htmlH1 = { fg = c.light_blue, style = 'bold' },
htmlH2 = { fg = c.wisteria1, style = 'bold' },
htmlH3 = { fg = c.niagara, style = 'bold' },
htmlH4 = { fg = c.wisteria, style = 'bold' },
htmlH5 = { fg = c.quartz, style = 'bold' },
cssAttributeSelector = { fg = c.light_blue },
cssSelectorOp = { fg = c.niagara1 },
cssTagName = { fg = c.yellow },
markdownBlockquote = { fg = c.bg6 },
markdownBold = { style = 'bold' },
markdownCode = { fg = c.yellow },
markdownCodeBlock = { fg = c.yellow },
markdownCodeDelimiter = { fg = c.green },
markdownH1 = { fg = c.light_blue, style = 'bold' },
markdownH2 = { fg = c.wisteria1, style = 'bold' },
markdownH3 = { fg = c.niagara, style = 'bold' },
markdownH4 = { fg = c.wisteria },
markdownH5 = { fg = c.quartz },
markdownH6 = { fg = c.green },
markdownH1Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownH2Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownH3Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownH4Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownH5Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownH6Delimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownId = { fg = c.yellow },
markdownIdDeclaration = { fg = c.niagara },
markdownIdDelimiter = { fg = c.light_blue },
markdownLinkDelimiter = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownItalic = { style = 'italic' },
markdownLinkText = { fg = c.niagara },
markdownListMarker = { fg = c.red_1 },
markdownOrderedListMarker = { fg = c.red },
markdownRule = { fg = c.bg5 },
markdownUrl = { fg = c.green, style = 'underline' },
return syntax
local function load_editor()
-- Editor highlight groups
local editor = {
-- normal text and background color for floating windows
NormalFloat = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg1 },
-- floating window border
FloatBorder = { fg = c.yellow },
-- used for the columns set with 'colorcolumn'
ColorColumn = { bg = c.bg2 },
-- placeholder characters substituted for concealed text (see 'conceallevel')
Conceal = {},
-- the character under the cursor
Cursor = { bg = c.none, fg = c.none, style = 'reverse' },
-- like Cursor, but used when in IME mode
CursorIM = { fg = c.none, bg = c.none, style = 'reverse' },
-- directory names (and other special names in listings)
Directory = { fg = c.light_blue, bg = c.none },
-- diff mode: Added line
DiffAdd = { fg = c.green, bg = c.none },
-- diff mode: Changed line
DiffChange = { fg = c.brown, bg = c.none },
-- diff mode: Deleted line
DiffDelete = { fg = c.red_1, bg = c.none },
-- diff mode: Changed text within a changed line
DiffText = { fg = c.none, bg = c.none },
-- error messages
ErrorMsg = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- line used for closed folds
Folded = { fg = c.brown, bg = c.none, style = 'italic' },
-- 'foldcolumn'
FoldColumn = {},
-- 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c"
IncSearch = { fg = c.yellow, bg = c.bg3, style = 'bold,underline' },
-- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is set.
LineNr = { fg = c.bg3 },
-- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line.
CursorLineNr = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.cursorlinenr },
-- The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
MatchParen = { fg = c.wisteria1, bg = c.none, style = 'bold,underline' },
-- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT -- ")
ModeMsg = { fg = c.light_blue, style = 'bold' },
-- |more-prompt|
MoreMsg = { fg = c.light_blue, style = 'bold' },
-- '@' at the end of the window, characters from 'showbreak' and other characters that do not really exist
-- in the text (e.g., ">" displayed when a double-wide character doesn't fit at the end of the line).
-- See also |hl-EndOfBuffer|.
NonText = { fg = c.bg2 },
-- normal item |hl-Pmenu|
Pmenu = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg1 },
-- selected item |hl-PmenuSel|
PmenuSel = { bg = c.bg2 },
-- scrollbar |hl-PmenuSbar|
PmenuSbar = { bg = c.bg },
-- thumb of the scrollbar |hl-PmenuThumb|
PmenuThumb = { bg = c.fg },
-- |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
Question = { fg = c.green },
-- Current |quickfix| item in the quickfix window. Combined with |hl-CursorLine| when the cursor is there.
QuickFixLine = { bg = c.light_blue, style = 'bold,italic' },
-- Line numbers for quickfix lists
qfLineNr = { fg = c.yellow },
-- Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). Also used for similar items that need to stand out.
Search = { fg = c.brown, bg = c.none, style = 'bold' },
-- Unprintable characters: text displayed differently from what it really is.
-- But not 'listchars' whitespace. |hl-Whitespace|
SpecialKey = { fg = c.bg6 },
-- Word that is not recognized by the spellchecker. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellBad = { style = 'italic,undercurl' },
-- Word that should start with a capital. |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellCap = { fg = c.bg6 },
-- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is used in another region.
-- |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellLocal = { fg = c.brown },
-- Word that is recognized by the spellchecker as one that is hardly ever used.
-- |spell| Combined with the highlighting used otherwise.
SpellRare = { fg = c.brown },
-- status line of current window
StatusLine = { fg = c.white, bg = c.bg1 },
-- status lines of not-current windows Note: if this is equal to "StatusLine"
-- Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window.
StatusLineNC = { fg = c.bg5 },
-- status line of current terminal window
StatusLineTerm = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg1 },
-- status lines of not-current terminal windows Note: if this is equal to "StatusLine"
-- Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window.
StatusLineTermNC = { fg = c.bg5 },
-- tab pages line, where there are no labels
TabLineFill = {},
-- tab pages line, active tab page label
TablineSel = { fg = c.white },
Tabline = { fg = c.bg5 },
-- titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
Title = { fg = c.green, bg = c.none, style = 'bold' },
-- Visual mode selection
Visual = { fg = c.none, bg = c.bg1 },
-- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection".
VisualNOS = { fg = c.none, bg = c.bg1 },
-- warning messages
WarningMsg = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- "nbsp", "space", "tab" and "trail" in 'listchars'
Whitespace = { fg = c.bg3 },
-- current match in 'wildmenu' completion
WildMenu = { fg = c.black, bg = c.niagara, style = 'bold' },
-- window bar of current window
WinBar = { fg = c.white, bg = c.bg1 },
-- window bar of not-current windows
WinBarNC = { fg = c.bg6, bg = c.bg_1 },
-- Screen-column at the cursor, when 'cursorcolumn' is set.
CursorColumn = { fg = c.none, bg = c.bg1 },
-- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is set. Low-priority if foreground (ctermfg OR guifg) is not set.
CursorLine = { fg = c.none, bg = c.bg1 },
-- Normal mode message in the cmdline
NormalMode = { fg = c.light_blue, bg = c.none, style = 'reverse' },
-- Insert mode message in the cmdline
InsertMode = { fg = c.green, bg = c.none, style = 'reverse' },
-- Replace mode message in the cmdline
ReplacelMode = { fg = c.red, bg = c.none, style = 'reverse' },
-- Visual mode message in the cmdline
VisualMode = { fg = c.wisteria1, bg = c.none, style = 'reverse' },
-- Command mode message in the cmdline
CommandMode = { fg = c.yellow, bg = c.none, style = 'reverse' },
Warnings = { fg = c.red1 },
healthError = { fg = c.red },
healthSuccess = { fg = c.green },
healthWarning = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- Dashboard
DashboardShortCut = { fg = c.light_blue },
DashboardHeader = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
DashboardCenter = { fg = c.niagara },
DashboardFooter = { fg = c.green, style = 'italic' },
-- normal text and background color
Normal = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg },
NormalNC = { bg = c.bg },
SignColumn = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.none },
-- the column separating vertically split windows
VertSplit = { fg = c.bg },
EndOfBuffer = { fg = c.bg6 },
-- Options:
-- Set non-current background
if config.fade_nc then
editor.NormalNC['bg'] = c.gb1
editor.NormalFloat['bg'] = c.bg
editor.FloatBorder['bg'] = c.bg
-- Set transparent background
if config.disable.background then
-- Set transparent cursorline
if config.disable.cursorline then
-- Set transparent eob lines
if config.disable.eob_lines then
editor.EndOfBuffer['fg'] = c.bg
-- Inverse highlighting
if config.inverse.match_paren then
editor.MatchParen['style'] = 'reverse,bold'
-- Add window split borders
if config.borders then
editor.VertSplit['fg'] = c.niagara_2
return editor
local function load_treesitter()
-- TreeSitter highlight groups
local treesitter = {
-- Annotations that can be attached to the code to denote some kind of meta information. e.g. C++/Dart attributes.
['@attribute'] = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
-- Boolean literals: `True` and `False` in Python.
['@boolean'] = { fg = c.quartz },
-- Character literals: `'a'` in C.
['@character'] = { fg = c.green },
-- Line comments and block comments.
['@comment'] = { fg = c.bg3, style = config.styles.comments },
-- Keywords related to conditionals: `if`, `when`, `cond`, etc.
['@conditional'] = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.loop_cond },
-- Constants identifiers. These might not be semantically constant. E.g. uppercase variables in Python.
['@constant'] = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
-- Built-in constant values: `nil` in Lua.
['@constant.builtin'] = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
-- Constants defined by macros: `NULL` in C.
['@constant.macro'] = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
-- Constructor calls and definitions: `{}` in Lua, and Java constructors.
['@constructor'] = { fg = c.yellow },
-- Syntax/parser errors. This might highlight large sections of code while the user is typing
-- still incomplete code, use a sensible highlight.
['@error'] = { fg = c.red },
-- Exception related keywords: `try`, `except`, `finally` in Python.
['@exception'] = { fg = c.yellow },
-- Object and struct fields.
['@field'] = { fg = c.niagara },
-- Floating-point number literals.
['@float'] = { fg = c.quartz },
-- Function calls and definitions.
['@function'] = { fg = c.fg_1, style = config.styles.functions },
-- Built-in functions: `print` in Lua.
['@function.builtin'] = { fg = c.light_blie, style = config.styles.functions },
-- Macro defined functions (calls and definitions): each `macro_rules` in Rust.
['@function.macro'] = { fg = c.yellow },
-- File or module inclusion keywords: `#include` in C, `use` or `extern crate` in Rust.
['@include'] = { fg = c.quartz },
-- Keywords that don't fit into other categories.
['@keyword'] = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.keywords },
-- Keywords used to define a function: `function` in Lua, `def` and `lambda` in Python.
['@keyword.function'] = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.keywords },
-- Unary and binary operators that are English words: `and`, `or` in Python; `sizeof` in C.
['@keyword.operator'] = { fg = c.yellow },
-- Keywords like `return` and `yield`.
['@keyword.return'] = { fg = c.yellow },
-- keywords related to coroutines (e.g. `go` in Go, `async/await` in Python)
['@keyword.coroutine'] = { fg = c.yellow, style = 'bold' },
-- GOTO labels: `label:` in C, and `::label::` in Lua.
['@label'] = { fg = c.yellow },
-- Method calls and definitions.
['@method'] = { fg = c.quartz, style = config.styles.functions },
-- Identifiers referring to modules and namespaces.
['@namespace'] = { fg = c.niagara },
-- Numeric literals that don't fit into other categories.
['@number'] = { fg = c.brown },
-- Binary or unary operators: `+`, and also `->` and `*` in C.
['@operator'] = { fg = c.bg6 },
-- Parameters of a function.
['@parameter'] = { fg = c.wisteria }, -- TODO: see what it does
-- References to parameters of a function.
['@parameter.reference'] = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- Same as `@field`.
['@property'] = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
-- Punctuation delimiters: Periods, commas, semicolons, etc.
['@punctuation.delimiter'] = { fg = c.niagara },
-- Brackets, braces, parentheses, etc.
['@punctuation.bracket'] = { fg = c.niagara_1 },
-- Special punctuation that doesn't fit into the previous categories.
['@punctuation.special'] = { fg = c.niagara },
-- Keywords related to loops: `for`, `while`, etc.
['@repeat'] = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.loop_cond },
-- String literals.
['@string'] = { fg = c.green, style = config.styles.strings },
-- Regular expression literals.
['@string.regex'] = { fg = c.brown },
-- Escape characters within a string: `\n`, `\t`, etc.
['@string.escape'] = { fg = c.brown },
-- Identifiers referring to symbols or atoms.
['@symbol'] = { fg = c.light_blue },
-- Tags like HTML tag names.
['@tag'] = { fg = c.yellow },
-- HTML tag attributes.
['@tag.attribute'] = { fg = c.bg6 },
-- Tag delimiters like `<` `>` `/`.
['@tag.delimiter'] = { fg = c.fg2 },
-- Non-structured text. Like text in a markup language.
['@text'] = { fg = c.fg },
-- Text to be represented in bold.
['@text.strong'] = { style = 'bold' },
-- Text to be represented with emphasis.
['@text.emphasis'] = { style = 'italic' },
-- Text to be represented with an underline.
['@text.underline'] = { style = 'underline' },
-- Text that is part of a title.
['@text.title'] = { fg = c.wisteria1, style = 'bold' },
-- Literal or verbatim text.
['@text.literal'] = { fg = c.green },
-- added text (for diff files)
['@text.diff.add'] = { fg = c.green },
-- deleted text (for diff files)
['@text.diff.delete'] = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- URIs like hyperlinks or email addresses.
['@text.uri'] = { fg = c.green, style = 'underline' },
-- Math environments like LaTeX's `$ ... $`
['@text.math'] = { fg = c.fg },
-- Footnotes, text references, citations, etc.
['@text.reference'] = { fg = c.brown },
-- Text environments of markup languages.
['@text.environment'] = { fg = c.fg },
-- Text/string indicating the type of text environment. Like the name of a `\begin` block in LaTeX.
['@text.environment.name'] = { fg = c.fg },
-- Text TODOS
['@text.todo'] = { fg = c.brown, style = 'bold' },
-- Text representation of an informational note.
['@note'] = { fg = c.yellow, style = 'bold' },
-- Text representation of a warning note.
['@warning'] = { fg = c.red_1, style = 'bold' },
-- Text representation of a danger note.
['@danger'] = { fg = c.red1, style = 'bold' },
-- Type (and class) definitions and annotations.
['@type'] = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.storage_class },
-- Built-in types: `i32` in Rust.
['@type.builtin'] = { fg = c.quartz, style = config.styles.builtin },
-- type definitions (e.g. `typedef` in C)
['@type.definition'] = { fg = c.quartz, style = config.styles.builtin },
-- type qualifiers (e.g. `const`)
['@type.qualifier'] = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.storage_class },
-- Variable names that don't fit into other categories.
['@variable'] = { fg = c.fg, style = config.styles.variables },
-- Variable names defined by the language: `this` or `self` in Javascript.
['@variable.builtin'] = { fg = c.wisteria, style = config.styles.variables },
-- modifiers that affect storage in memory or life-time
['@storageclass'] = { fg = c.yellow, style = config.styles.storage_class },
return treesitter
local function load_lsp()
-- Lsp highlight groups
local lsp = {
-- used for "Error" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsDefaultError = { fg = c.red1 },
-- used for "Error" diagnostic signs in sign column
LspDiagnosticsSignError = { fg = c.red1 },
-- used for "Error" diagnostic messages in the diagnostics float
LspDiagnosticsFloatingError = { fg = c.red1 },
-- Virtual text "Error"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError = { fg = c.red1 },
-- used to underline "Error" diagnostics.
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError = { style = config.styles.diagnostics, sp = c.red1 },
-- used for "Warning" diagnostic signs in sign column
LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- used for "Warning" diagnostic signs in sign column
LspDiagnosticsSignWarning = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- used for "Warning" diagnostic messages in the diagnostics float
LspDiagnosticsFloatingWarning = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- Virtual text "Warning"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- used to underline "Warning" diagnostics.
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning = { style = config.styles.diagnostics, sp = c.red_1 },
-- used for "Information" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation = { fg = c.yellow },
-- used for "Information" diagnostic signs in sign column
LspDiagnosticsSignInformation = { fg = c.yellow },
-- used for "Information" diagnostic messages in the diagnostics float
LspDiagnosticsFloatingInformation = { fg = c.yellow },
-- Virtual text "Information"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation = { fg = c.yellow },
-- used to underline "Information" diagnostics.
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation = { style = config.styles.diagnostics, sp = c.yellow },
-- used for "Hint" diagnostic virtual text
LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- used for "Hint" diagnostic signs in sign column
LspDiagnosticsSignHint = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- used for "Hint" diagnostic messages in the diagnostics float
LspDiagnosticsFloatingHint = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- Virtual text "Hint"
LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- used to underline "Hint" diagnostics.
LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint = { style = config.styles.diagnostics, sp = c.wisteria },
-- used for highlighting "text" references
LspReferenceText = { style = 'underline', sp = c.yellow },
-- used for highlighting "read" references
LspReferenceRead = { style = 'underline', sp = c.yellow },
-- used for highlighting "write" references
LspReferenceWrite = { style = 'underline', sp = c.yellow },
LspSignatureActiveParameter = { fg = c.none, bg = c.bg2, style = 'bold' },
LspCodeLens = { fg = c.bg5 },
DiagnosticError = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsDefaultError' },
DiagnosticWarn = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsDefaultWarning' },
DiagnosticInfo = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsDefaultInformation' },
DiagnosticHint = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsDefaultHint' },
DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextWarning' },
DiagnosticUnderlineWarn = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsUnderlineWarning' },
DiagnosticFloatingWarn = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsFloatingWarning' },
DiagnosticSignWarn = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsSignWarning' },
DiagnosticVirtualTextError = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextError' },
DiagnosticUnderlineError = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsUnderlineError' },
DiagnosticFloatingError = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsFloatingError' },
DiagnosticSignError = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsSignError' },
DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextInformation' },
DiagnosticUnderlineInfo = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsUnderlineInformation' },
DiagnosticFloatingInfo = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsFloatingInformation' },
DiagnosticSignInfo = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsSignInformation' },
DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsVirtualTextHint' },
DiagnosticUnderlineHint = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsUnderlineHint' },
DiagnosticFloatingHint = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsFloatingHint' },
DiagnosticSignHint = { link = 'LspDiagnosticsSignHint' },
return lsp
local function load_plugins()
-- Plugins highlight groups
local plugins = {
-- Cmp
CmpItemAbbr = { fg = c.fg },
CmpItemAbbrDeprecated = { fg = c.fg },
CmpItemAbbrMatch = { fg = c.wisteria, style = 'bold' },
CmpItemAbbrMatchFuzzy = { fg = c.wisteria, underline = true },
CmpItemMenu = { fg = c.bg5 },
CmpItemKindText = { fg = c.brown },
CmpItemKindMethod = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindFunction = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindConstructor = { fg = c.yellow },
CmpItemKindField = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindClass = { fg = c.yellow },
CmpItemKindInterface = { fg = c.yellow },
CmpItemKindModule = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindProperty = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindValue = { fg = c.brown },
CmpItemKindEnum = { fg = c.yellow },
CmpItemKindKeyword = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
CmpItemKindSnippet = { fg = c.green },
CmpItemKindFile = { fg = c.wisteria },
CmpItemKindEnumMember = { fg = c.light_blue },
CmpItemKindConstant = { fg = c.brown },
CmpItemKindStruct = { fg = c.yellow },
CmpItemKindTypeParameter = { fg = c.yellow },
-- Notify
NotifyERRORBorder = { fg = c.red1 },
NotifyWARNBorder = { fg = c.red_1 },
NotifyINFOBorder = { fg = c.yellow },
NotifyDEBUGBorder = { fg = c.bg5 },
NotifyTRACEBorder = { fg = c.wisteria },
NotifyERRORIcon = { fg = c.red1 },
NotifyWARNIcon = { fg = c.red_1 },
NotifyINFOIcon = { fg = c.yellow },
NotifyDEBUGIcon = { fg = c.bg5 },
NotifyTRACEIcon = { fg = c.wisteria },
NotifyERRORTitle = { fg = c.red1 },
NotifyWARNTitle = { fg = c.red_1 },
NotifyINFOTitle = { fg = c.yellow },
NotifyDEBUGTitle = { fg = c.bg5 },
NotifyTRACETitle = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- Trouble
TroubleCount = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
TroubleNormal = { fg = c.fg },
TroubleText = { fg = c.fg },
-- Diff
-- diffAdded = { fg = c.green, bg = c.bg1 },
-- diffRemoved = { fg = c.red_1, bg = c.bg1 },
-- diffChanged = { fg = c.yellow },
-- diffOldFile = { fg = c.brown },
-- diffNewFile = { fg = c.light_blue },
-- diffFile = { fg = c.wisteria },
-- diffLine = { fg = c.bg5 },
-- diffIndexLine = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
-- Neogit
NeogitBranch = { fg = c.yellow },
NeogitRemote = { fg = c.brown },
NeogitHunkHeader = { fg = c.fg, bg = c.bg1 },
NeogitHunkHeaderHighlight = { fg = c.yellow, bg = c.bg1 },
NeogitDiffContextHighlight = { bg = c.none },
NeogitDiffDeleteHighlight = { fg = c.red_1, bg = c.none },
NeogitDiffDeleteRegion = { fg = c.red_1, bg = c.none },
NeogitDiffAddHighlight = { fg = c.green, bg = c.none },
NeogitDiffAddRegion = { fg = c.green, bg = c.none },
NeogitDiffDelete = { fg = c.red },
NeogitDiffAdd = { fg = c.green },
NeogitCommitViewHeader = { fg = c.quartz },
NeogitNotificationInfo = { fg = c.wisteria },
NeogitNotificationWarning = { fg = c.brown },
NeogitNotificationError = { fg = c.red_1 },
-- WhichKey
WhichKey = { fg = c.wisteria1, style = 'bold' },
WhichKeyGroup = { fg = c.light_blue },
WhichKeyDesc = { fg = c.wisteria, style = 'italic' },
WhichKeySeperator = { fg = c.green },
WhichKeyFloat = { bg = c.bg1 },
-- nvim-treesitter-context
TreesitterContext = { fg = c.none, bg = c.bg1 },
-- Indent Blankline
IndentBlanklineChar = { fg = c.niagara_2, style = 'nocombine' },
IndentBlanklineSpaceChar = { fg = c.bg5, style = 'nocombine' },
IndentBlanklineSpaceCharBlankline = { fg = c.bg5, style = 'nocombine' },
IndentBlanklineContextChar = { fg = c.wisteria1, style = 'nocombine' },
IndentBlanklineContextStart = { style = 'underline', sp = c.wisteria1 },
-- Nvim dap
DapBreakpoint = { fg = c.red },
DapStopped = { fg = c.green },
-- Hop
HopNextKey = { fg = c.red1, style = 'bold' },
HopNextKey1 = { fg = c.light_blue, style = 'bold' },
HopNextKey2 = { fg = c.wisteria1 },
HopUnmatched = { fg = c.bg5 },
return plugins
function theme.load_terminal()
-- dark
vim.g.terminal_color_0 = c.bg1
vim.g.terminal_color_8 = c.niagara_2
-- light
vim.g.terminal_color_7 = c.fg
vim.g.terminal_color_15 = c.white
-- colors
vim.g.terminal_color_1 = c.red
vim.g.terminal_color_9 = c.red1
vim.g.terminal_color_2 = c.green
vim.g.terminal_color_10 = c.green
vim.g.terminal_color_3 = c.yellow
vim.g.terminal_color_11 = c.yellow
vim.g.terminal_color_4 = c.wisteria
vim.g.terminal_color_12 = c.wisteria
vim.g.terminal_color_5 = c.wisteria1
vim.g.terminal_color_13 = c.wisteria1
vim.g.terminal_color_6 = c.light_blue
vim.g.terminal_color_14 = c.light_blue
return vim.tbl_deep_extend('error', load_syntax(), load_editor(), load_treesitter(), load_lsp(), load_plugins())
return theme
@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
local theme = require 'neogruber.theme'
local util = {}
-- Highlight the given group according to the color values
function util.highlight(group, colors)
local style = colors.style and 'gui=' .. colors.style or 'gui=NONE'
local fg = colors.fg and 'guifg=' .. colors.fg or 'guifg=NONE'
local bg = colors.bg and 'guibg=' .. colors.bg or 'guibg=NONE'
local sp = colors.sp and 'guisp=' .. colors.sp or ''
local hl = 'highlight ' .. group .. ' ' .. style .. ' ' .. fg .. ' ' .. bg .. ' ' .. sp
if colors.link then
vim.cmd('highlight! link ' .. group .. ' ' .. colors.link)
-- Load the theme
function util.load(colors, exec_autocmd)
local config = require('neogruber.config').options
-- Set the theme environment
if vim.g.colors_name then
vim.cmd 'hi clear'
if vim.fn.exists 'syntax_on' then
vim.cmd 'syntax reset'
vim.o.termguicolors = true
vim.g.colors_name = 'neogruber'
-- Load highlights
colors = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', colors, config.custom_colors)
local base_highlights = theme.highlights(colors, config)
local highlights = vim.tbl_deep_extend('force', base_highlights, config.custom_highlights)
for group, color in pairs(highlights) do
util.highlight(group, color)
if exec_autocmd then
vim.cmd 'doautocmd ColorScheme'
return util
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