open Mips open Ast.IR2 module Env = Map.Make (String) type cinfo = { code : Mips.instr list ; env : Mips.loc Env.t ; fpo : int ; counter : int ; return : string } let compile_v = function | Nil -> [ Li (V0, 0) ] | Bool b -> [ Li (V0, if b then 1 else 0) ] | Int n -> [ Li (V0, n) ] | Float f -> [ Lis (F0, f) ] | Char c -> [ Li (V0, int_of_char c) ] | Data l -> [ La (V0, Lbl l) ] let rec compile_expr e env = match e with | Value v -> compile_v v | Var v -> [ Lw (V0, Env.find v env) ] | Call (f, args) -> let ca = (fun a -> compile_expr a env @ [ Addi (SP, SP, -4); Sw (V0, Mem (SP, 0)) ]) args in List.flatten ca @ [ Jal f; Addi (SP, SP, 4 * List.length args) ] ;; let rec compile_instr i info = match i with | Decl v -> { info with env = Env.add v (Mem (FP, -info.fpo)) info.env; fpo = info.fpo + 4 } | Return e -> { info with code = info.code @ compile_expr e info.env @ [ B info.return ] } | Expr e -> { info with code = info.code @ compile_expr e info.env } | Assign (lv, e) -> { info with code = (info.code @ compile_expr e info.env @ match lv with | Var v -> [ Sw (V0, Env.find v info.env) ] | _ -> failwith "WTF???") } (* | LVar v -> [ Sw (V0, Env.find v info.env) ] *) (* | LAddr a -> [] *) (* @ [ Addi (SP, SP, -4) *) (* ; Sw (V0, Mem (SP, 0)) ] *) (* @ compile_expr a info.env *) (* @ [ Lw (T0, Mem (SP, 0)) *) (* ; Addi (SP, SP, 4) *) (* ; Sw (T0, Mem (V0, 0)) ]) } *) | Cond (c, t, e) -> let uniq = string_of_int info.counter in let ct = compile_block t { info with code = [] ; counter = info.counter + 1 } in let ce = compile_block e { info with code = [] ; counter = ct.counter } in { info with code = info.code @ compile_expr c info.env @ [ Beqz (V0, "else" ^ uniq) ] @ ct.code @ [ B ("endif" ^ uniq) ; Label ("else" ^ uniq) ] @ ce.code @ [ Label ("endif" ^ uniq) ] ; counter = ce.counter } | Loop (c, t) -> let uniq = string_of_int info.counter in let ct = compile_block t { info with code = [] ; counter = info.counter + 1 } in { info with code = info.code @ [ Label ("loop" ^ uniq) ] @ compile_expr c info.env @ [ Beqz (V0, "endloop" ^ uniq) ] @ ct.code @ [ J ("loop" ^ uniq) ] @ [ Label ("endloop" ^ uniq) ] ; counter = ct.counter } and compile_block b info = match b with | [] -> info | i :: r -> compile_block r (compile_instr i info) ;; let compile_def (Func (name, args, b)) counter = let cb = compile_block b { code = [] ; env = List.fold_left (fun e (i, a) -> Env.add a (Mem (FP, 4 * i)) e) Env.empty (List.mapi (fun i a -> i + 1, a) args) ; fpo = 8 ; counter = counter + 1 ; return = "ret" ^ string_of_int counter } in ( cb.counter , [] @ [ Label name ; Addi (SP, SP, -cb.fpo) ; Sw (RA, Mem (SP, cb.fpo - 4)) ; Sw (FP, Mem (SP, cb.fpo - 8)) ; Addi (FP, SP, cb.fpo - 4) ] @ cb.code @ [ Label cb.return ; Addi (SP, SP, cb.fpo) ; Lw (RA, Mem (FP, 0)) ; Lw (FP, Mem (FP, -4)) ; Jr RA ] ) ;; let rec compile_prog p counter = match p with | [] -> [] | d :: r -> let new_counter, cd = compile_def d counter in cd @ compile_prog r new_counter ;; let compile (code, data) = { text = Baselib.builtins @ compile_prog code 0 ; data = (fun (l, s) -> l, Asciiz s) data } ;;