local c = require("gruber-darker.palette") local opts = require("gruber-darker.config").get_opts() local vim_hl = require("gruber-darker.highlights.vim").highlights local gruber_hl = require("gruber-darker.highlights.colorscheme").highlights local Highlight = require("gruber-darker.highlight") ---@type HighlightsProvider local M = { highlights = {}, } ---Set `nvim-treesitter` plugin highlights function M.setup() for _, value in pairs(M.highlights) do value:setup() end end -- Neovim tree-sitter highlights sourced from -- https://github.com/nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#highlights -- Misc ---Line and block comments M.highlights.comment = Highlight.new("@comment", { link = vim_hl.comment }) ---Comments documenting code M.highlights.comment_documentation = Highlight.new("@comment.documentation", { link = gruber_hl.green, italic = opts.italic.comments }) M.highlights.comment_luadoc = Highlight.new("@comment.luadoc", { link = M.highlights.comment_documentation }) ---Syntax/parser errors M.highlights.error = Highlight.new("@error", {}) ---Completely disable the highlight M.highlights.none = Highlight.new("@none", { fg = c.none, bg = c.none }) ---Various preprocessor directives & shebangs M.highlights.pre_proc = Highlight.new("@preproc", { link = vim_hl.pre_proc }) ---Preprocessor definition directives M.highlights.define = Highlight.new("@define", { link = vim_hl.define }) ---Symbolic operators (e.g. `+` / `*`) M.highlights.operator = Highlight.new("@operator", { link = vim_hl.operator }) -- Punctuation ---Delimiters (e.g. `;` / `.` / `,`) M.highlights.punctuation_delimiter = Highlight.new("@punctuation.delimiter", { link = vim_hl.delimiter }) ---Brackets (e.g. `()` / `{}` / `[]`) M.highlights.punctuation_bracket = Highlight.new("@punctuation.bracket", { link = gruber_hl.wisteria }) ---Special symbols (e.g. `{}` in string interpolation) M.highlights.punctuation_special = Highlight.new("@punctuation.special", { link = gruber_hl.brown }) -- Literals ---String literals M.highlights.string = Highlight.new("@string", { link = vim_hl.string }) ---String documenting code (e.g. Python docstrings) M.highlights.string_documentation = Highlight.new("@string.documentation", { link = vim_hl.string }) ---Regular expressions M.highlights.string_regex = Highlight.new("@string.regex", { link = vim_hl.constant }) ---Escape sequences M.highlights.string_escape = Highlight.new("@string.escape", { link = vim_hl.constant }) ---Other special strings (e.g dates) M.highlights.string_special = Highlight.new("@string.special", { link = vim_hl.constant }) ---Character literals M.highlights.character = Highlight.new("@character", { link = vim_hl.character }) ---Special characters (e.g. wildcards) M.highlights.character_special = Highlight.new("@character.special", { link = vim_hl.constant }) ---Boolean literals M.highlights.boolean = Highlight.new("@boolean", { link = vim_hl.boolean }) ---Numeric literals M.highlights.number = Highlight.new("@number", { link = vim_hl.number }) ---Floating-point number literals M.highlights.float = Highlight.new("@float", { link = vim_hl.float }) -- Functions ---Function definitions M.highlights.func = Highlight.new("@function", { link = vim_hl.func }) ---Built-in functions M.highlights.func_builtin = Highlight.new("@function.builtin", { link = gruber_hl.niagara }) ---Function calls -- M.highlights.func_call = Highlight.new("@function.call", {}) ---Preprocessor macros M.highlights.func_macro = Highlight.new("@function.macro", { link = vim_hl.macro }) ---Method definitions M.highlights.method = Highlight.new("@method", { link = vim_hl.func }) ---Method calls -- M.highlights.method_call = Highlight.new("@method.call", {}) ---constructor calls and definitions M.highlights.constructor = Highlight.new("@constructor", { link = vim_hl.func }) ---parameters of a function M.highlights.parameter = Highlight.new("@parameter", { link = vim_hl.identifier }) -- Keywords ---various keywords M.highlights.keyword = Highlight.new("@keyword", { link = vim_hl.keyword }) ---keywords related to coroutines (e.g. `go` in Go, `async/await` in Python) -- M.highlights.keyword_coroutine = Highlight.new("@keyword.coroutine", {}) ---keywords that define a function (e.g. `func` in Go, `def` in Python) -- M.highlights.keyword_function = Highlight.new("@keyword.function", {}) ---operators that are English words (e.g. `and` / `or`) -- M.highlights.keyword_operator = Highlight.new("@keyword.operator", {}) ---keywords like `return` and `yield` -- M.highlights.keyword_return = Highlight.new("@keyword.return", {}) ---keywords related to conditionals (e.g. `if` / `else`) M.highlights.conditional = Highlight.new("@conditional", { fg = c.yellow }) ---ternary operator (e.g. `?` / `:`) M.highlights.conditional_ternary = Highlight.new("@conditional.ternary", {}) ---keywords related to loops (e.g. `for` / `while`) M.highlights.repeats = Highlight.new("@repeat", { link = vim_hl.repeats }) ---keywords related to debugging M.highlights.debug = Highlight.new("@debug", { link = vim_hl.debug }) ---GOTO and other labels (e.g. `label:` in C) M.highlights.label = Highlight.new("@label", { link = vim_hl.label }) ---keywords for including modules (e.g. `import` / `from` in Python) -- M.highlights.include = Highlight.new("@include", {}) ---keywords related to exceptions (e.g. `throw` / `catch`) -- M.highlights.exception = Highlight.new("@exception", {}) -- Types ---type or class definitions and annotations M.highlights.type = Highlight.new("@type", { link = vim_hl.type }) ---built-in types M.highlights.type_builtin = Highlight.new("@type.builtin", { link = gruber_hl.yellow }) ---type definitions (e.g. `typedef` in C) M.highlights.type_definition = Highlight.new("@type.definition", { link = vim_hl.typedef }) ---type qualifiers (e.g. `const`) -- M.highlights.type_qualifier = Highlight.new("@type.qualifier", {}) ---modifiers that affect storage in memory or life-time M.highlights.storage_class = Highlight.new("@storageclass", { link = vim_hl.storage_class }) ---attribute annotations (e.g. Python decorators) -- I don't think this is supported anymore... -- M.highlights.attribute = Highlight.new("@attribute", { link = gruber_hl.brown }) ---object and struct fields M.highlights.field = Highlight.new("@field", { link = gruber_hl.niagara }) ---similar to `@field` M.highlights.property = Highlight.new("@property", { link = gruber_hl.dark_niagara }) -- Identifiers ---various variable names M.highlights.variable = Highlight.new("@variable", { link = vim_hl.identifier }) ---built-in variable names (e.g. `this`) M.highlights.variable_builtin = Highlight.new("@variable.builtin", { link = gruber_hl.yellow_bold }) ---constant identifiers M.highlights.constant = Highlight.new("@constant", { link = vim_hl.constant }) ---built-in constant values M.highlights.constant_builtin = Highlight.new("@constant.builtin", { link = gruber_hl.yellow }) ---constants defined by the preprocessor M.highlights.constant_macro = Highlight.new("@constant.macro", { link = vim_hl.define }) ---modules or namespaces -- M.highlights.namespace = Highlight.new("@namespace", {}) ---symbols or atoms -- M.highlights.symbol = Highlight.new("@symbol", {}) -- Text (mainly for markup languages) ---non-structured text M.highlights.text = Highlight.new("@text", { link = vim_hl.normal }) ---bold text M.highlights.text_strong = Highlight.new("@text.strong", { link = vim_hl.bold }) ---text with emphasis M.highlights.text_emphasis = Highlight.new("@text.emphasis", { link = vim_hl.italic }) ---underlined text M.highlights.text_underline = Highlight.new("@text.underline", { link = vim_hl.underlined }) ---strikethrough text M.highlights.text_strike = Highlight.new("@text.strike", { strikethrough = true }) ---text that is part of a title M.highlights.text_title = Highlight.new("@text.title", { link = vim_hl.title }) ---literal or verbatim text (e.g., inline code) M.highlights.text_literal = Highlight.new("@text.literal", { link = vim_hl.constant }) ---text quotations -- M.highlights.text_quote = Highlight.new("@text.quote", {}) ---URIs (e.g. hyperlinks) M.highlights.text_uri = Highlight.new("@text.uri", { fg = c.niagara, underline = opts.underline }) ---math environments (e.g. `$ ... $` in LaTeX) -- M.highlights.text_math = Highlight.new("@text.math", { link = vim_hl.special }) ---text environments of markup languages -- M.highlights.text_environment = Highlight.new("@text.environment", {}) ---text indicating the type of an environment -- M.highlights.text_environment_name = Highlight.new("@text.environment.name", {}) ---text references, footnotes, citations, etc. M.highlights.text_reference = Highlight.new("@text.reference", { link = gruber_hl.yellow_bold }) ---todo notes M.highlights.text_todo = Highlight.new("@text.todo", { link = vim_hl.todo }) ---info notes M.highlights.text_note = Highlight.new("@text.note", { link = vim_hl.comment }) ---warning notes M.highlights.text_warning = Highlight.new("@text.warning", { link = vim_hl.warning_msg }) ---danger/error notes M.highlights.text_danger = Highlight.new("@text.danger", { link = vim_hl.error_msg }) ---added text (for diff files) M.highlights.text_diff_add = Highlight.new("@text.diff.add", { link = vim_hl.diff_add }) ---deleted text (for diff files) M.highlights.text_diff_delete = Highlight.new("@text.diff.delete", { link = vim_hl.diff_delete }) M.highlights.text_diff_change = Highlight.new("@text.diff.change", { link = vim_hl.diff_change }) -- Tags (used for XML-like tags) ---XML tag names M.highlights.tag = Highlight.new("@tag", { link = vim_hl.tag }) ---XML tag attributes M.highlights.tag_attribute = Highlight.new("@tag.attribute", { link = M.highlights.field }) ---XML tag delimiters M.highlights.tag_delimiter = Highlight.new("@tag.delimiter", { link = vim_hl.delimiter }) -- Markdown M.highlights.md_heading_2 = Highlight.new("@markup.heading.2.markdown", { fg = c.niagara}) M.highlights.md_heading_3 = Highlight.new("@markup.heading.3.markdown", { fg = c.wisteria}) M.highlights.md_heading_4 = Highlight.new("@markup.heading.3.markdown", { fg = c.green}) -- ['@text.title.1.marker.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH1' }, -- ['@text.title.2.marker.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH2' }, -- ['@text.title.3.marker.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH3' }, -- ['@text.title.4.marker.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH4' }, -- ['@text.title.5.marker.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH5' }, -- ['@text.title.6.marker.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH6' }, -- ['@text.title.1.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH1' }, -- ['@text.title.2.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH2' }, -- ['@text.title.3.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH3' }, -- ['@text.title.4.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH4' }, -- ['@text.title.5.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH5' }, -- ['@text.title.6.markdown'] = { link = 'markdownH6' }, return M