feat: add theme preferences to configuration (#2)
* update DiffChange highlights * update: user customization and highlights --------- Co-authored-by: blazkowolf <9439488+blazkowolf@users.noreply.github.com>
This commit is contained in:
@ -19,6 +19,21 @@ Then, somewhere in your `init.lua`, set the colorscheme like this
## Configuration
Additional settings for gruber-darker are:
-- setup must be called before loading the colorscheme
-- Default options:
bold = true,
italic = true,
underline = true,
comment_italics = true,
## Special thanks
These repositories were great knowledge sources and their
@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
-- vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("GruberDarkerTest", R, {})
@ -1,25 +1,24 @@
---@class ConfigMgr
---@field private resolved_opts Options|nil
---@field private resolved_opts Options
---@class Options
---@field message string
---@field bold boolean
---@field italic boolean
---@field underline boolean
---@field comment_italics boolean
---@type ConfigMgr
local M = {
resolved_opts = nil,
resolved_opts = {
bold = true,
italic = true,
underline = true,
comment_italics = true,
---Get default GruberDarker colorscheme options
---@return Options
function M.get_default_opts()
return {
message = "Big Hello",
---Get GruberDarker user preferences
---@return Options|nil
---@return Options
function M.get_resolved_opts()
return M.resolved_opts
@ -28,13 +27,7 @@ end
---Set GruberDarker colorscheme options
---@param opts Options
function M.set(opts)
-- If user already called GruberDarker setup
-- either with/without default options
if M.resolved_opts ~= nil then
M.resolved_opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", M.get_default_opts(), opts)
M.resolved_opts = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", M.resolved_opts, opts)
return M
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
local c = require("gruber-darker.palette")
local config = require("gruber-darker.config").get_resolved_opts()
local M = {}
M.groups = {
Comment = { fg = c.default.brown }, -- any comment
Comment = { fg = c.default.brown, italic = config.comment_italics and config.italic }, -- any comment
ColorColumn = { bg = c.default["bg+2"] }, -- used for the columns set with 'colorcolumn'
Conceal = { fg = c.default.fg, bg = c.default.bg }, -- placeholder characters substituted for concealed text (see 'conceallevel')
Cursor = { bg = c.default.yellow }, -- character under the cursor
@ -13,15 +14,15 @@ M.groups = {
CursorLine = { bg = c.default["bg+1"] }, -- Screen-line at the cursor, when 'cursorline' is set. Low-priority if foreground (ctermfg OR guifg) is not set.
-- Directory = { fg = c.default.lightblue }, -- directory names (and other special names in listings)
DiffAdd = { fg = c.default.green, bg = c.default.none }, -- diff mode: Added line |diff.txt|
DiffChange = { bg = c.default.yellow }, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
DiffChange = { fg = c.default.yellow, bg = c.default.none }, -- diff mode: Changed line |diff.txt|
DiffDelete = { fg = c.default["red+1"], bg = c.default.none }, -- diff mode: Deleted line |diff.txt|
-- DiffText = { bg = c.diff.text }, -- diff mode: Changed text within a changed line |diff.txt|
DiffText = { fg = c.default.yellow, bg = c.default.none }, -- diff mode: Changed text within a changed line |diff.txt|
EndOfBuffer = { fg = c.default.fg, bg = c.default.bg }, -- filler lines (~) after the end of the buffer. By default, this is highlighted like |hl-NonText|.
-- TermCursor = { }, -- cursor in a focused terminal
TermCursor = { bg = c.default.yellow }, -- cursor in a focused terminal
-- TermCursorNC= { }, -- cursor in an unfocused terminal
ErrorMsg = { fg = c.default.white, bg = c.default.red }, -- error messages on the command line
VertSplit = { fg = c.default["fg+2"], bg = c.default["bg+1"] }, -- the column separating vertically split windows
WinSeparator = { fg = c.default["bg+2"], bold = true }, -- the column separating vertically split windows
WinSeparator = { fg = c.default["bg+2"], bold = config.bold }, -- the column separating vertically split windows
Folded = { fg = c.default.brown, bg = c.default["fg+2"], italic = true }, -- line used for closed folds
FoldColumn = { fg = c.default.brown, bg = c.default["fg+2"] }, -- 'foldcolumn'
SignColumn = { fg = c.default["bg+2"], bg = c.default.none }, -- column where |signs| are displayed
@ -29,7 +30,7 @@ M.groups = {
-- Substitute = { bg = c.red, fg = c.black }, -- |:substitute| replacement text highlighting
LineNr = { fg = c.default["bg+4"] }, -- Line number for ":number" and ":#" commands, and when 'number' or 'relativenumber' option is set.
CursorLineNr = { fg = c.default.yellow }, -- Like LineNr when 'cursorline' or 'relativenumber' is set for the cursor line.
MatchParen = { fg = c.default["bg+2"], bg = c.default.yellow }, -- The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
MatchParen = { fg = c.default.fg, bg = c.default.wisteria }, -- The character under the cursor or just before it, if it is a paired bracket, and its match. |pi_paren.txt|
ModeMsg = { fg = c.default["fg+2"] }, -- 'showmode' message (e.g., "-- INSERT -- ")
-- MsgArea = { fg = c.fg_dark }, -- Area for messages and cmdline
-- MsgSeparator= { }, -- Separator for scrolled messages, `msgsep` flag of 'display'
@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ M.groups = {
PmenuSbar = { bg = c.default.bg }, -- Popup menu: scrollbar.
PmenuThumb = { bg = c.default.bg }, -- Popup menu: Thumb of the scrollbar.
Question = { fg = c.default.niagara }, -- |hit-enter| prompt and yes/no questions
-- QuickFixLine = { bg = c.bg_visual, bold = true }, -- Current |quickfix| item in the quickfix window. Combined with |hl-CursorLine| when the cursor is there.
QuickFixLine = { bg = c.default["bg+2"], bold = config.bold }, -- Current |quickfix| item in the quickfix window. Combined with |hl-CursorLine| when the cursor is there.
Search = { fg = c.default.black, bg = c.default.yellow }, -- Last search pattern highlighting (see 'hlsearch'). Also used for similar items that need to stand out.
IncSearch = { fg = c.default.black, bg = c.default["fg+2"] }, -- 'incsearch' highlighting; also used for the text replaced with ":s///c"
CurSearch = { link = "IncSearch" },
@ -58,12 +59,12 @@ M.groups = {
StatusLineNC = { fg = c.default.quartz, bg = c.default["bg+1"] }, -- status lines of not-current windows Note: if this is equal to "StatusLine" Vim will use "^^^" in the status line of the current window.
TabLine = { bg = c.default.none }, -- tab pages line, not active tab page label
TabLineFill = { fg = c.default["bg+4"], bg = c.default["bg+1"] }, -- tab pages line, where there are no labels
TabLineSel = { fg = c.default.yellow, bg = c.default.none, bold = true }, -- tab pages line, active tab page label
TabLineSel = { fg = c.default.yellow, bg = c.default.none, bold = config.bold }, -- tab pages line, active tab page label
Title = { fg = c.default.quartz }, -- titles for output from ":set all", ":autocmd" etc.
Visual = { bg = c.default["bg+2"] }, -- Visual mode selection
VisualNOS = { fg = c.default.red }, -- Visual mode selection when vim is "Not Owning the Selection".
WarningMsg = { fg = c.default.red }, -- warning messages
-- Whitespace = { fg = c.default.black, bg = c.default.red }, -- "nbsp", "space", "tab" and "trail" in 'listchars'
Whitespace = { fg = c.default["bg+4"], bg = c.default.none }, -- "nbsp", "space", "tab" and "trail" in 'listchars'
WildMenu = { fg = c.default.black, bg = c.default.yellow }, -- current match in 'wildmenu' completion
-- These groups are not listed as default vim groups,
@ -75,31 +76,31 @@ M.groups = {
Constant = { fg = c.default.quartz }, -- (preferred) any constant
String = { fg = c.default.green }, -- a string constant: "this is a string"
Character = { fg = c.default.green }, -- a character constant: 'c', '\n'
-- Number = { }, -- a number constant: 234, 0xff
-- Boolean = { }, -- a boolean constant: TRUE, false
-- Float = { }, -- a floating point constant: 2.3e10
Number = { fg = c.default.fg }, -- a number constant: 234, 0xff
Boolean = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold }, -- a boolean constant: TRUE, false
Float = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold }, -- a floating point constant: 2.3e10
Identifier = { fg = c.default["fg+1"] }, -- (preferred) any variable name
Function = { fg = c.default.niagara }, -- function name (also: methods for classes)
Statement = { fg = c.default.yellow }, -- (preferred) any statement
-- Conditional = { }, -- if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
-- Repeat = { }, -- for, do, while, etc.
-- Label = { }, -- case, default, etc.
Conditional = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold }, -- if, then, else, endif, switch, etc.
Repeat = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold }, -- for, do, while, etc.
Label = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold }, -- case, default, etc.
Operator = { fg = c.default.yellow }, -- "sizeof", "+", "*", etc.
Keyword = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = true }, -- any other keyword
-- Exception = { }, -- try, catch, throw
Keyword = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold }, -- any other keyword
Exception = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold }, -- try, catch, throw
PreProc = { fg = c.default.quartz }, -- (preferred) generic Preprocessor
-- Include = { }, -- preprocessor #include
-- Define = { }, -- preprocessor #define
-- Macro = { }, -- same as Define
-- PreCondit = { }, -- preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
Include = { fg = c.default.quartz }, -- preprocessor #include
Define = { fg = c.default.quartz }, -- preprocessor #define
Macro = { fg = c.default.quartz }, -- same as Define
PreCondit = { fg = c.default.quartz }, -- preprocessor #if, #else, #endif, etc.
Type = { fg = c.default.quartz }, -- (preferred) int, long, char, etc.
-- StorageClass = { }, -- static, register, volatile, etc.
-- Structure = { }, -- struct, union, enum, etc.
-- Typedef = { }, -- A typedef
StorageClass = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold }, -- static, register, volatile, etc.
Structure = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold }, -- struct, union, enum, etc.
Typedef = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold }, -- A typedef
Special = { fg = c.default.yellow }, -- (preferred) any special symbol
-- SpecialChar = { }, -- special character in a constant
@ -108,9 +109,9 @@ M.groups = {
-- SpecialComment= { }, -- special things inside a comment
-- Debug = { fg = c.default["fg+2"] }, -- debugging statements
Underlined = { underline = true }, -- (preferred) text that stands out, HTML links
Bold = { bold = true },
Italic = { italic = true },
Underlined = { underline = config.underline }, -- (preferred) text that stands out, HTML links
Bold = { bold = config.bold },
Italic = { italic = config.italic },
-- ("Ignore", below, may be invisible...)
-- Ignore = { }, -- (preferred) left blank, hidden |hl-Ignore|
@ -118,15 +119,15 @@ M.groups = {
-- Error = { fg = c.error }, -- (preferred) any erroneous construct
Todo = { fg = c.default.bg, bg = c.default.yellow }, -- (preferred) anything that needs extra attention; mostly the keywords TODO FIXME and XXX
markdownHeadingDelimiter = { fg = c.default.niagara, bold = true },
markdownHeadingDelimiter = { fg = c.default.niagara, bold = config.bold },
markdownCode = { fg = c.default.green },
markdownCodeBlock = { fg = c.default.green },
-- markdownH1 = { fg = c.magenta, bold = true },
-- markdownH2 = { fg = c.blue, bold = true },
-- markdownLinkText = { fg = c.blue, underline = true },
markdownItalic = { fg = c.default.wisteria, italic = true },
markdownBold = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = true },
markdownCodeDelimiter = { fg = c.default.brown, italic = true },
markdownItalic = { fg = c.default.wisteria, italic = config.italic },
markdownBold = { fg = c.default.yellow, bold = config.bold },
markdownCodeDelimiter = { fg = c.default.brown, italic = config.italic },
markdownError = { fg = c.default.fg, bg = c.default["bg+1"] },
-- These groups are for the neovim tree-sitter highlights.
@ -189,7 +190,7 @@ M.groups = {
-- TSStrike = { }, -- For strikethrough text.
-- TSTitle = { }, -- Text that is part of a title.
-- TSLiteral = { }, -- Literal text.
TSURI = { fg = c.default.niagara, underline = true }, -- Any URI like a link or email.
TSURI = { fg = c.default.niagara, underline = config.underline }, -- Any URI like a link or email.
["@text.diff.add"] = { link = "DiffAdd" },
["@text.diff.delete"] = { link = "DiffDelete" },
["@text.diff.change"] = { link = "DiffChange" },
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
local highlights = require("gruber-darker.hl")
local config = require("gruber-darker.config")
local M = {}
@ -12,29 +11,16 @@ function M.on_colorscheme()
---Clear current highlights and set Neovim global `colors_name`
local function prepare_env()
function M.load()
if vim.g.colors_name then
vim.opt.termguicolors = true
vim.g.colors_name = "GruberDarker"
---Change colorscheme to GruberDarker
function M.colorsheme() end
---GruberDarker configuration bootstrapper
---@param opts Options
function M.setup(opts)
config.set(opts or {})
opts = config.get_resolved_opts()
-- print("message: " .. opts.message)
-- set highlights here...
local highlights = require("gruber-darker.hl")
for group, hl in pairs(highlights.groups) do
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group, hl)
@ -47,6 +33,16 @@ function M.setup(opts)
---Change colorscheme to GruberDarker
function M.colorscheme() end
---GruberDarker configuration bootstrapper
---@param opts Options
function M.setup(opts)
config.set(opts or {})
-- vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("FileType", {
-- group = gruber_darker_group,
-- pattern = "qf,help",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user